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130. The next morning

129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

Chick for a Dick: Dawn of the Coeds

on 2018-09-03 13:22:04
Episode last modified by Mira on 2018-09-04 23:03:05

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The morning had gone exceptionally well. When Jon's alarm had first gone off, he wanted nothing more than to turn over and go back to sleep. However, Lisa and Nadia's charms had been enough to coax him out of bed. Jon had been tempted to had another morning romp with his living love toys in his bathtub, but had reluctantly decided to send the pair ahead to fix breakfast while he got ready for the day without distractions. After remembering his wishes from the previous afternoon, Jon found himself again eager to get to school.

Breakfast had been a simple, but tasty, meal of waffles. Lisa had continued to try and entice Jon by having Nadia lick whipped cream off of her tits and syrup off of her clit. The spectacle had almost been enough to sway him, but his curiosity had won out in the end. Jon took note, but was not surprised, that Zoe had not gotten breakfast or had asked to barrow another vehicle. Chances were she was still quite embarrassed over the events of the previous evening and was trying to avoid him. Jon had briefly considered using his newly established freedom to crash her first class, but he decided to respect her desire for space. At least for a while.

At the moment, Jon was pulling up to the school in a sports car that was easily worth more than most of the houses in his neighborhood. A smile spread on his face as his hands and feet instinctively manipulated the gearshift and petals as he parked the beautiful machine. Until yesterday, Jon hadn't even known how to put a car like this in gear. One wish later, he knew he possessed the skills to best most professional drivers. Jon patted the stone in his pocket, silently thanking it for his new skills.

Jon stepped out of the car and looked around, ready to try out another of the stone's magically bestowed abilities. The presence of the exotic sports car had already drawn the attention of many students who had been heading into school. Jon's smile widened as he saw several attractive girls standing in the crowd. He raised his right hand and snapped his fingers twice.

"Um... eighteen," he said offhandedly.

A chorus of screams and shrills erupted around him, freezing him in shock. All around him, girls were turning to face him. And they were losing their minds. Almost all of them began to tear their clothes off, exposing themselves to him. Several collapsed to the ground, pleasuring themselves furiously at the very sight of him. Many were stumbling closer in various states of undress, begging him to take them. One girl, though, was full out running towards him, her shirt ripped open and her ample breasts swayed wildly as a noticeable damp spot darkened at her crotch. The look of lust and desire on her face as she rushed past the other girls was ravenous.

Just before the runner slammed into him, Jon snapped his left hand twice and squeezed his eyes shut, bracing for the impact. However, the blow never hit. The first thing Jon noticed was that the screaming had stopped. He tentatively opened his eyes and looked around. All of the girls were back to normal. None of them were naked or pleasuring themselves, and all of their clothing was present and undamaged. Next to him, the runner was fixated on Jon's car, almost oblivious to his presence. The parking lot had reverted to normal.

Jon's heart was racing inside his chest. It was as if he had stepped into a weird zombie apocalypse, only it was sex-obsessed coeds coming for him. What had his wish done? Jon looked over at the girl who had previously been running towards him.

"Wow, that's an awesome car."

Jon took a deep breath and snapped the fingers on his right hand twice. "Two," he said hesitantly. Jon watched as the girl's demeanor softened slightly. "I'm Michelle," she said sweetly, tossing her hair back and looking into his eyes. Jon snapped his fingers again.


Michelle turned more towards him and cocked her hips. "Think maybe you could take me for a ride some time?"

Snap snap


"I know I would love to go for a ride," she flirted, pressing her chest forward seductively.

Snap snap


"Come on, Jon. You didn't even call me last week. I've been waiting ever since spring break for another ride. A spin in the car would be fun, too." She winked at him playfully.

Snap snap


Michelle was immediately kneeling before him, her top transformed into a button-up shirt that was completely open except for the bottommost button showing that she had no bra on underneath. "I am yours, Jon. Anything you desire of me is yours.” Michelle reached down between her kneeling legs and pulled up her skirt which was way too short for the school dress code and exposed her bare, wet sex to him. She quickly slid two fingers into herself and stared up at him in awe, her body quivering with need.

Snap snap


Michelle instantly had four fingers shoved up her pussy while her free hand reached greedily for Jon’s crotch. "Cock... fuck... need... fuck..." Jon tried swatting her hand away, but he was grabbed from behind by another girl. She leaned in and inhaled deeply, smelling his hair before reaching towards his crotch as well. Jon looked around and realized that every girl in the area was again shuffling towards him. Immediately, Jon snapped the fingers on his left hand twice.

The second girl who had been grabbing at him walked past as if she had never hesitated for a moment on her way to the school. Michelle was back on her feet, fully clothed in normal attire and looking at the car. Around them, all of the other girls were behaving normally again as well. Jon turned without a word, slinging his backpack over one shoulder and starting to walk towards the school. As he made his way across the parking lot, Jon reviewed what had happened.

When he made the wish the previous day to change his level of attractiveness, he had not established any sort of scale. After his testing with Michelle, it appeared that the scale went up to ten. Anything beyond that turned all of the girls who saw him into sex-obsessed zombies. And his initial test had gone almost double that level.

Jon had noticed another interesting effect while experimenting with Michelle. When he reached level eight, she had acted very similar to the way girls had during the previous week, even referencing a previous encounter.

As Jon approached the building, his gaze was drawn to a girl that was a little ahead of him. What grabbed his attention was not just the fact that the girl was completely naked save for a backpack and pair of shoes, but also the fact that she had two nipples on her ass cheeks. Jon racked his memory for her name and called out.

"Hey, Trish."

The thin girl hesitated upon hearing her name and turned around. When she saw Jon jogging up to her, a confused look spread across her face. "Hey. Um...Jon, right? Um, is something up?"

Snap snap


A smile was immediately on Trish's face and she looked up at Jon longingly. "Sorry to bug you, Trish. Just wanted to say 'hi.'" The naked girl blushed and Jon watched her nipples harden. He could bet the set in her butt were doing the same. "Oh, you'd never bug me, Jon," she said dreamily.

“Yo, Trisha,” a voice called from behind Jon. He suddenly felt a shove from behind as he was shoulder checked by a boy that had a scowl on his face. “You talking to my girl, Jon?” the boy challenged. Jon felt his blood boil. On one hand, Jon realized there were probably plenty of jealous guys and boyfriends around the school who envied and hated him while he had every girl who saw him wrapped around his finger. But on the other hand, Jon was the master of all reality and this moron didn’t know who he was messing with.

Before Jon could even consider what to do to the interloper, Trish spoke up. “Miles, come on. Jon was just saying hi,” Trish interjected, trying to calm the situation. The boy, Miles, scoffed. “Sure he was. Don’t you have some other slut whose pants you can get into instead?”

“‘Other slut?’” Trish fumed. Miles winced and turned towards the angry girl. “Baby, I didn’t mean-“

“Can it! First you treat me like I’m your property, then you call me a slut! I can talk to whoever I want! And that means I can also make my own decisions who I don’t want to talk to. And that includes you. We’re done. Go find ‘some other slut’ that can come close to comparing to this,” she said, gesturing to her naked body. “And Jon,” she looked at him, her expression softening, “you can call me anytime.” She gave Miles one more dirty look before turning around and storming away, her transformed ass jiggling enticingly with each firm stomp.

Miles turned to face Jon, rage in his eyes. “You’re going to get yours,” he hissed. Jon held the boy’s gaze until he turned and rushed after Trish, already calling out his apologies. Jon let out a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. That could have gotten very ugly very fast. Jon looked around, satisfied that nobody was close enough to hear him and reached into his pocket.

“I wish that I can handle myself in any physical confrontation and that nobody will ever attempt to used deadly force against me.”


Jon felt a smug smile spread across his face. Sure, he could have just wished that no guys would be jealous or angry at him for being so popular with the girls, but after years of being at the bottom of the social hierarchy, it was so satisfying to let the other guys be hating for once. It was the same reason why he decided not to wish that people wouldn’t physically hurt him in general. It would be so fulfilling to hand out a beating rather than taking one for a change. As for Miles, maybe he could think of a special comeuppance for him...

Jon resumed walking towards the school. He was both pleased and content. He had figured out how to use his latest power and he was back to being the focus of every girl's affection and it was working like a charm. Life was good. He only had one dilemma at the moment:

Which class he should check out first?

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