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129. Meeting the new Sofia

128. Jon slips into Zoe's room

127. An unexpected encounter

126. Jon wakes up

125. Jon keeps his promise

124. Fixing the mess

123. Jon is caught

122. Six people, two bodies, one de

121. After class

120. Desperate times call for...

119. Look who's back

118. Jon's favorite class

117. Someone's plotting...

116. Jon helps out

115. Table for Two

114. Not all it's cracked up to be

113. Gym just got more interesting

112. Teacher from Hell

111. Off to Class

110. The most important meal of the

Chick for a Dick: Jon Investigates

on 2018-08-28 20:47:22

3367 hits, 206 views, 6 upvotes.

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Jon reached forward and grabbed the sheets and slowly pulled them back, uncovered the form in Zoe's bed. As the sheets pulled away, Sofia's sleeping form was revealed. Jon watched as her sky-blue eyes fluttered open and she let out a wide yawn before she began to look around. "Hallo? Zoe?" she called in her thick German accent.

Jon could not help but stare at the transformed girl. He now understood why the lump under the sheets had not been as big as a person. Her arms and legs were gone. However, her lack of limbs was not her only change. Her body was now rectangular in shape, coming to definable corners at where her shoulders and thighs used to be. She no longer had any thigh gap for her vagina to be tucked into, so her lips were plainly exposed at the bottom center of her body.

Even more noticeable, however, was the change to her skin. It was now a powdery pink in color and was a cloth material with visible stitching that made a diamond pattern across her body. There was a noticeable seam where the front and back halves of her body met, as well as where her neck was secured to her body and her breasts to her chest. Her breasts rose up firmly, with no sagging even though she was laying on her back. Each breast was no longer capped with a nipple, but with a sewn-on button.

Sofia had become a pillow.

"Hallo?" the plush girl repeated, looking towards the sound of running water from the attached bathroom. "Sofia, honestly, what was the wish that changed you?"

The pillow girl turned and looked straight at him, temporarily aware of his presence in the room. She shook her head, clearing her long, silky blonde hair from her view. The action remained Jon of how Karyn, also armless, managed her long locks.

"Nachdem ich in deinem bett aufgewacht bin-"

"Can you tell me in English?" Jon asked, cutting her off. "After I woke up in your bed," the pink girl started over, unfazed by the interruption, "I had to hurry to my host family's house before they knew I was gone. I was leaving your room when Zoe saw me. She invited me to join her and Athena in her room. I told her I wanted to, but I needed to return before I got in trouble. Zoe was sad and wished she could take me to bed. That is when I became ein kissen." She looked down at her stitched body.

"Do you hate your change?"

"Nein. I do not hate it. It can be very boring in the day. But at night, it is different. In truth, I am a, what is the word... watcher? I like to see people in private. Zoe is fun to watch. She is always naked and touching herself. And she holds me and plays with meine titten." She rocked her chest for emphasis. However, her breasts did not jiggle or sway as a normal girl's would.

Jon reached forward and firmly groped her right boobs. It was firm yet plush, packed with soft stuffing. Sofia gave a gasp and groan as Jon felt her up. Jon noticed her skin was soft and malleable like fleece, but still warm like flesh.

Jon was about to explore more of Sofia's new body when he heard a chorus of voices cry out in pleasure and the shower turn off. Jon let out a sigh of disappointment and left the room before Zoe began to think a ghost was feeling up her pillow.


Jon felt sick. Dinner had been delicious. The pizza Lisa and Nadia had made was delicious and they had flirted with him the whole time he ate. But as Jon dined, he dwelled on Sofia and wondered just how many other transformed girls were in the house. This train of thought had reminded him of one girl he had not wanted to think about. However, he had to. He was sure nobody had interacted with her in days. This was probably both a curse and a blessing, considering her change. However, Jon needed to speak with her. It was not right leaving someone alone in the dark for days on end. Jennifer was still a person. Even if she had been transformed into a toilet.

Jon entered the quiet basement and looked around, reliving the memories of the past Saturday night. Or at least the ones he could recall. It had been a wild night.

Jon gawfed. A wild night was an understatement. The night had seen his first orgy (which he couldn't even remember), his first hangover (which he remembered all too well), and had resulted in countless transformed girls (which he was still finding). Jon took a deep breath. He was delaying the inevitable. He looked over at the bathroom door and began to move towards it.

The light snapped on and filled the room in a harsh white glow, the bulbs buzzing angrily above him. At first glance, the room looked like a normal lavatory. Well, normal for a club instead of a house. The floor was poured concrete with a drain in the center. The walls were grouted tile with soap and paper towel dispensers hanging on them as well as a basic mirror mounted over a utilitarian, white ceramic sink. And there, in the far back corner of the room, was the toilet. From the door, it looked like a normal toiler. It was a glossy white ceramic which matched the sink.

Jon knew better, though. As he moved forward and could better look into the bowl, Jennifer's face came into view. It was at the bottom of the bowl, her features emerging from the porcelain. Her entire face was pure white and glossy like the material of the toilet, but moved as if it was flesh. Her eyes blinked in the bright light and as her eyes fell on him her lips parted into a wide smile. Her eyebrows raised in anticipation, obviously hoping that Jon would use her.

Jon felt his nausea rise. He probably would have thrown up if it weren't for the fact he would have ended up throwing up on Jennifer. Or, more accurately, in her. The toilet-girl noticed his apprehension and looked at him with confusion, but made no effort to communicate as the water filling her bowl made talking impossible.

Jon rubbed his chin, trying to figure out what to do. He could get a cup and scoop out the water, but it was still toilet water and he didn't want to get too hands on with it. There had to be a way...

Jon looked around her base and noticed a silver hose with a valve running into the toilet. He got on his knees and reached behind the cold toilet and turned the valve shut. Jon stood up and pressed the toilet lever and watched as Jennifer's mouth snapped open and the water began to turn in the familiar swirling rotation as it poured down the girl's throat. However, no more water refilled the bowl.

"What's going on, Jon? I don't have a leak, do I?"

Jon smiled widely. His basic plumbing skills had found a way to talk to her. Now, if he could figure out a way to help her out of this mess...

"Jennifer, honestly, what was the wish that changed you?"

A perverse smile came to Jennifer's white face. "I had just gotten into line to use the bathroom when someone else further up in line wished they could sit on my face. She got her wish, because she, and everyone else in that line, ended up sitting on my face for the rest of the night."

Jon became qweasy again, not even wanting to imagine how much waste she had been forced to deal with. "What can I do to help you?"

"You could move me to somewhere that I can get used more. It's boring in the basement without a party going on."

Jon groaned internally. "No, I mean what can I do to help the real Jennifer?"

"I just told you. Move me to where I can be used more," the toilet girl said in an upbeat voice. Her smile never wavered. Jon found himself stunned into silence for several moments, unable to comprehend what he had just heard. "You actually... like... being a toilet?"

"Yeah! I was always into water sports. It was my secret turn on. I always wanted to be soiled but never had the guts to ask anyone. Now, it's what I'm made for!"

"But... but... WHY?!"

Jennifer's eyes rolled up in thought. "I dunno. I was always expected to be so straight-laced and proper. And this is so... not. It's so... dirty. I love it. The never-ending line of cocks and cunts and assholes. When they sit down above me and I see them beginning to-"

"Ok!" Jon interjected. The perverse smile on Jennifer's face disappeared, replaced once again by confusion.

"Is there a problem with me, Jon?"

Jon's head swam. He could not believe what he had heard. On one hand, what Jennifer had said completely disgusted him. On the other, he was relieved to find out that she was not being tortured in her current form, but instead reveled in it. If she wanted to be a toilet, who was he to judge.

"No, it doesn't look like it. I just wanted to check to make sure everything is ok."

"Yep. I'm working fine. Just looking forward to the next party. Unless... you need to go," she said hopefully, looking at his crotch. "Um, I just went. Sorry," Jon lied. He was glad that Jennifer was enjoying her transformation, but it still weirded him out.

"It's ok. Just remember I'm down here," she said with a wink. Jon said nothing, but reached down and opened the valve. As water began to flow back into the storage tank, Jennifer let out a cooing moan. Once it was full, Jon again pressed the lever. Like before, Jennifer's mouth snapped open, only this time Jon could hear her moan of pleasure before a torrent of water flowed down her throat.

Jon stepped out of Jennifer’s field of vision and reached into his pocket. “I can’t believe I’m doing this,” he muttered to himself as he pulled out the stone. “I wish Jennifer would be somewhere that she was regularly used, and cleaned, until I can figure out a way to change her back or desire her to return to where she is now in her current form.”


Jon stepped forward and looked once more into the toilet bowl. Jennifer’s face was gone, replace with a normal toilet. Jon briefly wondered where she had ended up, but thought better of trying to find out. Wherever she now was, Jon knew she was happier than sitting in his dark basement waiting to be used. Even so, he could not comprehend how she could want to be a toilet. He had made sure to word his wish so that she could always be brought back and, hopefully, returned to normal.

A wave of calmness passed through him. That was a concern for another day. Jon turned off the lights and headed towards the basement stairs. It was late and tomorrow was not only school, but an opportunity to look for more transformed classmates. He just hoped any future discoveries would not be as... disturbing.

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