“Good morning girls” Sierra smiled at them as they approached the concierge desk, “and how can I help you today?”
“We were like, wondering if you could tell us some cool places to go today?” Zoe asked cheerily, “somewhere with lots of guys” she added with a wink.
“Well I know the younger crowd don’t tend to appear until mid-afternoon” Sierra smiled, “ but there’s usually a few at Anatolikós Kólpos for the surf and the skatepark. That’s where the extreme sports crowd like to go, otherwise there’s the shopping center across the road from the resort. It’s owned by us so your expenses would still be covered.” She added, and Zoe’s eyes seemed to light up.
“OMG Lins!” She clapped, “Shopping! Let’s do that and find something super cute to wear tonight. We can hit the beach again this afternoon!”
“Uh yeah, sounds good” Linda shrugged.
“Might I add girls” Sierra chipped in, “should you find yourself some new friends, your VIP status allows for a plus one each to the clubs” she added with a knowing wink.
“Thanks!” Zoe grinned before grabbing Linda’s arm again and the two of them headed out the lobby. They could see the shopping centre over the road, and quickly made their way across.
“Ok Lins” Zoe said excitedly as they entered what was, essentially, a small shopping mall filled with souvenir shops and small boutiques, “let’s find some cute outfits!” She added as practically dragged Linda into the nearest clothes shop. The inside had a very industrial vibe, with bare concrete walls, and some very skimpy, but sexy, outfits on display.
“Let’s see what we can find here!” Zoe chirped happily as she began to rummage through the rails. After a few moment she’d gathered a small selection for each of them and ushered Linda towards the changing rooms.
“These are for you” she said, dumping one pile into Linda’s arms, “put them on and we’ll see how we look in that” she added, nodding to the large mirror on the wall outside the cubicles.
“Ok” was all Linda could say as Zoe disappeared into one cubicle. She slipped into the one next to her and began to change into her first outfit. Which seem to consist solely of a black faux-leather one piece, a choker, and a pair of thigh high boot. She felt a little uncomfortable dressed like this, but trusted in Zoe’s choice. When she heard Zoe unlock the door to her cubicle, she did the same and stepped out.
Zoe was wearing a red and grey checked pleated skirt, and a lace crop-top. She had tied her back, revealing that she too was wearing a similar choker to Linda.
“Oh wow Lins!” Zoe smiled, looking her up and down, “you look totally gorge!”
“I dunno Zo” Linda muttered, “I’m not sure about this one” she added.
“Nonsense!” Zoe exclaimed, “turn like this” she added, standing side on the mirror. Linda did as instructed.
“Good, now stick your hip out and…pow!” Zoe continued and Linda moved her hip outwards. She stumbled forward slightly and had to grab Zoe’s waist for support “just look at that ass!”