Zoe instantly got up, all seriousness. "Are you all right?" she asked, grabbing his arm.
Bethany frowned. "Why don't I leave you two alone for a few minutes?" She suggested, and headed upstairs.
"Seriously....are you all right? Is this about...you know what?"
"I just...was worried I'd never see you again," Jon admitted.
Zoe looked at him. "What's that supposed to mean? Jon...you'd better tell me what the fuck is going on..." She said. That sounded a bit more like the Zoe he knew, although definitely toned down. It wasn't like Karyn hadn't cursed occasionally either.
"You disappeared the night before last. These weird guys came and took you in the middle of the night. No one even noticed you were gone. And today...you're here as if nothing happened."
Zoe looked him in the eye. "That's crazy. I mean...I was here yesterday..."
He shook his head.
"Fuck," Zoe exclaimed. "No wonder you look like that...I mean...if you disappeared, I wouldn't know what to do. Are you sure it wasn't a dream?"
"If it's a dream, I'm still sleeping," Jon said, honestly. Zoe reached over and slapped him on the face. Not incredibly hard, but... "What was that for?"
"It works in the movies," Zoe said. "If that hurts...you probably aren't asleep. What else do I need to know?"
Should I tell her the whole truth? Jon debated. Maybe it's better I don't. "I'm not sure," he said, honestly.
"Not helping much here, Jon," Zoe said.