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13. Straightening Them Out

12. Marching Into That Locker Room

11. Morning Periods

10. Draining Jon

9. It doesn't work on Alistair

8. Math Class

7. Becoming a Stud

6. Biff and Sarah's Morning

5. Biff visits Sarah at home

4. After school

3. Sarah wishes she had the boys'

2. A wish to embarrass Sarah

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's BDE: Straightening Them Out

avatar on 2024-10-22 20:37:52

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There's this meme about male authors writing female characters, and saying things like "she breasted boobily." And, while in three billion, nine hundred and ninety-nine million, nine hundred and ninety-nine thousand, nine hundred and ninety-nine cases out of the four billion women on Earth, that is a ridiculous and reductive way to describe their movement... in Jon's particular case, on that particular afternoon, as she walked with Coach Barry to her new locker in the girl's locker room, she was breasting quite boobily, indeed.

It was like her bosoms were her entire personality. And that's because they were. In the morning, certainly the majority of Jon's identity had been wrapped up in her relationship with Karyn, but there were complexities to that relationship. They could still disagree on things. There were aspects of Karyn that Jon didn't like, and perceptions of her that were not 100% accurate. But on the whole Jon's focus in life, what drove Jon forward, was that relationship with Karyn.

In this new dynamic, all of that complexity was missing. Jon had lost that complex driving force, and absorbed only one facet of Sarah: the facet that focused on her boobs. And so she didn't have those complex thoughts. They would develop with time, but they were not there yet.

In point of fact, as Coach Barry reluctantly left Jon to her own devices at Sarah's old locker, Jon had her very first complex thought: Jon isn't a very appropriate name for someone with boobs like mine.

As she opened the locker door, she was confronted with a magnetic sign that said "Sarah." And, well, something inside Jon certainly felt like a Sarah. But that would be confusing, if she was Sarah and Sarah was Sarah. What if Jon became Shawn?

An internal switch flicked, and Shawn put the thought out of her mind. There were more important things to be thinking about.

Like the sports bra she found in her new locker. It was such a great color, and it would make Shawn's new boobs really stand out in a crowd. She was so distracted, she didn't even see the magnetic sign on the inside of the locker door shift from Sarah to Shawn.

Shawn enthusiastically changed into what had recently been Sarah's gym outfit. The tight pink shorts didn't quite fit correctly, and the tank top felt a little small around her still-masculine middle, but her bust looked great, and that was what was important. It was the only thing that was important.

Meanwhile, in the boy's locker room, Sarah surveyed her crop of victims. The first thing she wanted to to was test out double-dipping, see if it was just a fluke with Jon or if it's something she could do with any boy she'd already drained. The first boy she spotted was Biff, who would have been surprised to see Sarah in the boy's locker room if he was still capable of showing surprise. Instead he just said, "Hey, Sarah" with a slight slur.

She grabbed his hand. "You're a cheerleader," Sarah had a wide grin on her face, but otherwise gave no ceremony.

In an instant, the light returned to Biff's eyes. But it was a different light than he'd had a few days earlier. A more... cheery light. He giggled, and the surprise that he was supposed to experience finally caught up with him.

"Sarah?" he asked with a bright smile, "Like, what are you doing here?"

"I'm here to get changed." she replied, eyeing Biff carefully. "I got my lockers switched. Should you be changing too?"

There was something odd about the way Sarah had said that, but Biff shrugged it off. Whatever malaise he'd been experiencing lately had suddenly disappeared. Not only that, he felt suddenly happier than he could ever recall felling.

"Oh, I've got my gym outfit on under these," he motioned to his jacked and sweatpants, before unbuttoning the former. What Sarah saw as button after button un-snapped caused her smile to widen even more.

Four letters in blue and gold, on a crisp-white background: "LPHS." Which stood for "Lake Point High School."

Biff was wearing a cheer shell top.

The jacket came off, revealing the rest of the top and Biff's sleeveless arms. Then the sweatpants came down, causing Biff's cheer skirt to flounce out. His arms were shaved. His legs were shaved. But otherwise, he looked just like he always did, just in a cheer uniform. For a brief moment, Sarah felt a slight pang of jealousy that Biff got to wear one and she didn't. But that feeling faded as she let go of Biff's hand. She had no interest in being a cheerleader anymore. She liked watching them, sure. But she wouldn't be caught dead actually doing any cheers, let alone wearing one of those outfits.

"You'd better hurry, Sarah," Biff couldn't keep the smile off of his face. He felt like he should be smiling at all times. Like not smiling was somehow wrong. "Everyone else is already half-changed."

Not all of them were half-changed yet, Sarah noted. But they soon would be.

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