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12. Marching Into That Locker Room

11. Morning Periods

10. Draining Jon

9. It doesn't work on Alistair

8. Math Class

7. Becoming a Stud

6. Biff and Sarah's Morning

5. Biff visits Sarah at home

4. After school

3. Sarah wishes she had the boys'

2. A wish to embarrass Sarah

1. You Are What You Wish

Sarah's BDE: Marching Into That Locker Room

avatar on 2024-10-21 19:51:50

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Sarah entered the gym early and got the attention of both coaches.

"I'm sure you're aware of what happened to me yesterday during class," she told them. "It's standard policy for the nurse's office to inform teachers of the outcome of medical emergencies. Correct?"

Both coaches were a little surprised to hear Sarah quoting school policy at them, but they nodded.

"So it stands to reason that I should be moved into the boy's locker room today."

It didn't make sense for Sarah to keep hunting down boys one-by-one. If this power she had only worked on the boys who had been in the locker room yesterday, then why not take them all with one fell swoop? Get to every one of them at once, while they were all in the locker room together? She just needed to gain entry.

But the coaches hemmed and hawed. All lockers have been assigned. It will take paperwork. It's not just something that can be done right away. But confident Sarah, strategy-minded Sarah, she knew better. It was just a matter of creating the right situation. She just had to wait for one of the boys she had drained to walk within earshot and--

"Jon!" Sarah interrupted Coach Burlington, mid-speech. "Come here a sec!"

The boy blithely obliged.

"Jon wants to switch lockers with me. He wants to be in the girl's locker room." In Sarah's observations, every boy she'd drained had become unmotivated and easily manipulated once she'd taken their masculine pride. Obviously Jon would fall in line here. Sarah reached over Jon's back and pulled him into a half-hug, gripping his shoulder. "You don't really feel much like a boy anyway, do you?"

A spark.

Sarah's eyes widened.

Could she double-dip?

Maintaining her eye contact with the coaches, Sarah concentrated on Jon. Concentrated on what else she could take from-- no, what if she could give something to Jon?

From Jon's perspective, he wasn't sure why Sarah was calling him over, but he couldn't think of a reason not to. When Sarah said that he wanted to switch lockers with her, Jon didn't really have an opinion. And then he felt her hand on his arm, and something changed. He felt a pulsing coming from where her hand touched him.

From a hollowness, Jon felt a sense of pride swelling in his chest. His posture shifted, and then he felt something else swelling in his chest. He looked down as Sarah and the coaches continued their negotiations, and saw that, indeed, with every pulse in his arm, his chest was expanding outward.

At first he couldn't quite muster up the energy to care. But slowly slowly, as the two mounds got bigger, he found that he did care.

He wanted them.

Jon wanted this sign of maturity, this sign of adulthood. He wanted these twin symbols of sexuality, and wanted them to be as prominent as possible. Soon he found himself urging them to grow faster and faster.

As they crested past a C-cup, Jon looked up at Sarah, and saw something that neither she nor the coaches had picked up on yet: with every pulse outward of Jon's chest, Sarah's had deflated. Her bra was hanging loose on her chest, her A-cups not even half-filling them. And they were shrinking more and more.

Finally, they were gone. And Jon felt the last push as his own breasts filled out to Sarah's previously-impressive DD size. And Jon found that he was proud of the assets he now possessed.

No, that wasn't quite right. He wasn't proud. She was proud. These were her breasts.

"Of course Sarah and I should switch lockers," Jon chirped in a sing-song tone. He motioned towards his chest. "Do I look like someone who should be changing with the boys?"

Sarah had given Jon just a little bit of her femininity, but with the complete vacuum of identity left when Sarah had taken every ounce of masculinity, even that small amount of femininity was now the entirety of what defined the new feminine Jon.

The thought of that, and the sight of Jon's new cleavage, inspired a swelling in Sarah that reminded her of her lunch period behind the bleachers.

The coaches scratched their heads, but this new development, combined with Sarah's insistence, had worn them down.

"Fine," Coach Burlington said to Sarah. "Let me show you to your new locker."

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