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21. Krista’s home

20. Mark gets to work

19. Mark gives in

18. After a bad day

17. Monday Morning

16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

Krista’s home

avatar on 2024-10-17 15:18:23

307 hits, 43 views, 6 upvotes.

FTM MTF Part_Swap

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“Maybe I took it off downstairs?” He muttered to himself. He quickly rushed down the stairs and was passing by the living room when he heard a voice call out.

“Looking for something?” He froze and his heart sank. Krista was home. He slowly turned to face the living room and saw her sat on the couch, the medallion dangling from her fingers.

“Well, look at you Mark” she smirked, “or should I call you Nessa?”

“How did you know about that?” Mark asked, a mix of panic that she’d caught him, and relief that the medallion wasn’t missing.

“I had an alert on my phone that my package had been delivered, and a Nessa Jones had signed for it.” She said plainly, “I put two and two together after that.” She added with a slight shrug. Mark found he couldn’t gage her mood, the way she was talking so levelly made it impossible to tell if she was angry or not.

“Ok, look, I’m sorry.” He sighed, now painfully aware of every inch of his new body and how he was dressed, “I know we said we wouldn’t use it on our own, but I was stressing about what Eric said, and thought this would help.”

“And did it?” Krista asked in the same level voice.

“It really did actually!” Mark exclaimed, “I’ve re-written so much! I’ve never been in the zone like that!” He added, his excitement showing through a little.

“I could tell.” She let a small smile form on her lips, “I’ve been home for half an hour, you didn’t even notice me come in. I saw you working away like…that.” she added.

“Half an hour?” Mark said in disbelief, “and you didn’t say anything then?”

“I could see you were working hard and I didn’t want to disturb you” she shrugged.

“Wait, so are you mad or not?” Mark asked, not being able to take the tension much longer. Krista sighed and put the medallion to one side.

“Honestly, I was trying to sneak in anyway,” she said.

“Why?” Mark asked.

“Remember what I said about the ladies toilets.” She replied, “well I thought about what you said about using the gents” she continued,

“Yeah, and you told me there’s no cubicles, only urinals” Mark said in confusion.

“Well…lI thought what if there was a way I could use the men’s room” Krista said, getting to her feet, “there’s a reason I was up so early, and why I was trying to sneak in” she looked a little embarrassed. Realisation dawned on Mark.

“Oh!” He said, “you used the medallion too! But you don’t look any different?” He said looking her up and down.

“I might have tried something mentioned in the note, and a little experiment of my own.” She replied, gripping the bottom of her dress “did you know you don’t have to be wearing the medallion, it just has to be touching your skin. And also the area it’s touching will be the first to change” she continued.

“Really?” Mark said in amazement, “so that’s why all our changes have always started around our heads?”

“Correct!” Krista replied, “I also found out what the note said is true. You can stop the change when it’s not finished if you remove the medallion.”

“Really?” Mark asked.

“Yeah,” Krista nodded sheepishly, “so I used a pair of boxers from the pile, and placed the medallion… down there. Sure enough, that was the first thing to change, then I took it away and nothing else really changed.” She was blushing now.

“So wait… do you have a…” Mark began, staring at her crotch, hidden behind her loose dress.

“See for yourself” Krista smiled weakly as she lifted her dress up over her head, revealing her matching pink underwear. Marks eyes were immediately drawn to the prominent bulge in her panties.

“Holy shit Babe!” He gasped, as she pulled her panties to the side, allowing her member to hang free.

“It certainly made going to the bathroom a lot quicker” she grinned, “it’s so much easier to go when you just have to hold and aim” she added with a chuckle. Mark couldn’t take his eyes off his wife’s cock. He suddenly felt a warm feeling forming in his own crotch.

“The only downside is I’ve been feeling horny all day” she sighed.

“I guess…” Mark began, “I guess I could help you with that?” He smirked, looking up and meeting her gaze.

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