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20. Mark gets to work

19. Mark gives in

18. After a bad day

17. Monday Morning

16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Mark gets to work

avatar on 2024-10-17 11:35:40

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It was another hour before Mark finally returned to his desk. He’d spent half an hour choosing an outfit, before settling on something he deemed sexy, yet professional. It consisted of a cream coloured pinstripe blouse, a shortish brown pleated skirt, a pair of nude tights, and the same cream coloured heels he’d worn as Veronica. He then spent another half hour practicing make-up to really help him get into a feminine mindset, and he found his results satisfactory. He took a seat in his office chair, and squeaked in surprise as the cold leather touched his tight covered ass. He hadn’t realised his skirt had flared out as he sat.

“Must remember to look out for that!” He smirked as he rolled his eyes.

“Ok,” he muttered as he got up and smoothed the skirt down underneath his legs, “just need to focus, and we’re off!” He added as he turned to wards his keyboard. He pulled up the list of notes that Eric had sent him, and got to work.

For the rest of the day, Mark was completely in the zone. It was strange, but he found that if he really focused, he could call up half-memories of little moments of femininity, or nuances he’d have never thought of before. The only time he stopped was to make a quick sandwich for lunch, and at mid-afternoon the doorbell rang. He answered it without thinking of his current form, and couldn’t help but smirk when the courier, who was dropping off some packages for Krista, didn’t seem to know where to look.

“Krista Jones?” He asked.

“No, I’m…” Mark faltered for a second, “her sister in-law” he added quickly.

“Ok, can I get a name for the proof of delivery” the young man asked.

“Oh…um Nessa, Nessa Jones” Mark replied, he’d gone with the name his parents had once told him they would have used had he been born a girl. The man nodded, and held out his device. Mark quickly came up with a signature, then returned to his work.

By the time he finished it was late in the evening. He glanced up at the clock and swore. It was past the12 hours since his transformation, and Krista would be due home any minute. He quickly ran upstairs and into the bedroom where he’d left the medallion.

“Shit, where is it?” He muttered as he scrabbled around the room. There was no sign of it anywhere.

“Oh crap!” He growled as he checked every possible place in the bedroom, “Krista’s going to be pissed if she sees me like this!” He added, panic starting to set in. He ran to the guest room to see if he’d left it there, and after a hurried search he still hadn’t found it.

“Oh man!” He sighed, “I’m screwed!”

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