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17. Monday Morning

16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Monday Morning.

avatar on 2024-10-16 10:50:54

257 hits, 35 views, 4 upvotes.


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Mark and Krista both grumbled as their alarms started blaring, and groggily climbed out bed, still exhausted from their weekend activities.

“What say I make some breakfast, then we get changed for work” Mark said sweetly.

“You?” Krista chuckled, “you’ve never made breakfast before!” She added.

“It’s weird” Mark shrugged, “I just feel like I should” he added as he tightened his robe.

“I’m not complaining!” Krista grinned, sliding out of bed and feeling loath to admit that the pyjamas Mark had given her were very comfy. She made a mental note to see if they fit her when they changed back. They headed to the kitchen where Mark began to potter around making a quick fry-up for them.

“Impressive” Krista said as he placed a plate in front of her, “I’ve never seen you cook before” she added.

“It’s weird, I just kind of let myself go on automatic, and I seem to know what to do” Mark said as he began to eat.

“Mmm, this ish good!” Krista said with a mouth full of food, “Maybe Veronica should come by more often!” She added with a wink.

“Maybe I…she will” Mark grinned, “but for now, we really need to get a move on!” He said, nodding at the clock on the oven. Krista nodded sadly in agreement, and they quickly headed upstairs.

“You go first” Mark said, “just make sure you use one of your shirts today!” He added with a grin.

“Oh I’m using these!” Krista replied, grabbing a pair of her panties for her drawer. She stripped out of her pyjamas and underwear, and hung the medallion around her neck. Mark watched as she touched the material to the medallion and wince at the shock. Slowly Krista began to shift back into her old form. Her body grew a little in height, and she moved from her early 20s to her mid 30’s as the long dark hair shortened - little and turned her usual vibrant coppery red. When the changes came to an end, she removed the medallion and handed it over.

“Is it me” she mused, “or did that happen a little quicker this time?”

“I dunno,” Mark said as he began to remove his clothing, “I wasn’t exactly timing it” he chuckled. He found a pair of his boxers, and hooked the medallion on. He let out a small hiss as the shock ran through his fingers when he touched the boxers to it. Instantly he could feel things shifting. His skin began to lighten, and became a little rougher. His shoulders broadened, and his muscles toned up. The long brown hair receded to his usual length, and his short beard brush out of his chin. He watched as his breasts deflated into pecs, and then felt his clitoris swelling and expanding, and finally his opening sealed up and his balls drop down in their place.

“I think I’m done” he said, his lilting voice gone, and replaced by his old one.

“25 minutes” Krista said, “I was timing it.” She added as she finished putting on her form fitting white dress.

“I’m sure it’s nothing to worry about” Mark replied as he removed the medallion and started to get dressed, “you look great by the way!” He grinned.

“Well the head of department needs to look smart!” Krista replied happily, giving him a twirl.

“You look downright sexy babe” Mark said with a wink as he buckled up the belt on his jeans. He pulled on a t-shirt, followed by a flannel shirt over the top.

“Guess I’m ready for my meeting with Eric” he grinned, mimicking her spin.

“Very nice” she chuckled, “let’s get going, I get the feeling todays going to be a good day!”

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