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16. Lesson 2

15. A little role play

14. Transformation time

13. Time to go home

12. The shopping trip

11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Lesson 2

avatar on 2024-10-15 11:42:47

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‘He’s really getting into this role’ Krista thought to herself as Mark gently guided her down onto her back.

“Now dear” he said, “if you want to make your girlfriend feel really good, this is what you need to do!” He added with a sultry purr. He reached out, and with one movement, pulled down her shorts and panties. He casually tossed them to the side, then gently parted her legs. He leant back and started softly kissing her belly, working his way down towards her crotch. When he reached her pelvis, he moved down and started kissing his way up her inner thigh, hovering briefly over her pussy, long enough to let a warm sigh escape his lips, before passing on and making his way back down her other leg. He could feel Krista quivering underneath him with every light press of his lips. He repeated the motion on her legs another time, and she actually bit back a squeal when he reached her crotch.

“Now” he said matter-of-factly “this is the important part, so pay attention dear” he grinned as he positioned his face next to her folds. Her arousal smelt sweeter than it usually did, and he licked his lips eagerly. He slowly leant forward and began to lick gently at her clit. Krista found herself leaning forwards to see what he was doing, as if she was actually trying to learn something.

She was surprised at how quickly the sensations of pleasure spread through her, and she was soon panting and gasping with each stroke of Marks tongue. The feelings only intensified as Mark began to moan in his very feminine voice, sending vibrations through her crotch. It wasn’t long before she found herself falling back and convulsing as a powerful orgasm ripped through her younger body.

“Did you enjoy that dear?” Mark asked, as he sat back, leaving Krista slightly stunned and still panting.

“Yeah…I did” she gasped, “so, like, is it my turn now?” She asked, wanting to get in on the roleplay herself.

“But of course dear!” Mark grinned as he lay back and wriggled out of his panties, revealing his mature pussy.

“Now, do it just like I showed you!” He said sternly. Krista nodded and repeated all the actions he had performed on her. As she was kissing near his stomach, she could actually feel his core tensing up with excitement every time her lips brushed his skin. She even found the moans he made as she kissed his thighs a real turn on. Finally she hovered over his dripping entrance, and took a breath.

“Don’t be shy dear!” Mark said encouragingly, “you doing very well!” Krista nodded and acted a little hesitant as she reached out with her tongue and gave him an experimental lick.

‘Wow!’ She thought ‘she tastes really good!’ She soon found herself eagerly lapping away at his folds, as she placed a hand gently on his plump backside. Mark wasn’t shy about making noise in this body, and the room was soon filled with squeals of delight.

After a few moments, Mark was starting to feel a little frustrated. The pleasure was building, but it wasn’t enough to send him over the edge.

“Try… using your… fingers!” He gasped, a command Krista was all to happy to oblige. She sat back a little and gently slid her middle finger into Marks pussy, and began making a “come here” motion. Mark threw his head back as the sensations came back stronger than ever. His eye practically rolled back into his head as he let out another loud groan. Krista loved seeing him enjoying the feelings she was giving him.

“Maybe I should bring in lesson one too” she chuckled as she moved up and clamped her lips on one of his breast and began to flick her tongue over the nipple in quick motions. Mark closed his eyes as he finally felt himself go over the edge and his body exploded into a blissful state. He felt a long scream escape his lips as Krista continued her motions.

“Was that ok?” Krista asked as she slowed herself down before removing her fingers and sitting back, leaving Mark panting and trying to catch his breath.

“Good…girl!” He gasped, “I think you’ve learnt everything you need!” He laughed happily. He looked over at the clock on the wall.

“Goodness, is that the time!” He said as he sat up, “we better get ready for bed dear. We both need to be up in the morning.”

“Ok mom” Krista laughed, as Mark got to his feet and headed over to the pike of clothes, “what are you doing?” She asked.

“Finding us something to sleep in!” Mark replied huffily, “and less of that ‘Mom’ talk young lady!” He added, the last words slipping out of his mouth easily, which only made Krista laugh again.

“Maybe it’s a mental change from the medallion” she giggled, “speaking of…” she trailed off as she dug through the piles, pulling out a large bag of socks. She pulled one out and slipped it onto her foot, then passed one to Mark.

“Put it on.” She said.

“Why?” He asked confused.

“Because we might want to become these people again, and I figure we can make a little catalogue using these” she shrugged.

“Thats the museum curator coming out of you!” Mark laughed, “but good idea!” He said, slipping the sock onto his foot before resuming his search. Krista pulled hers off and grabbed a pen from a drawer in the nearby nightstand.

“We need names, make it easier to remember the people we become” she said, “I feel like a Jamie, what about you?” she said as she scrawled the name on the sock.

“I think Veronica suits me” Mark replied, “aha! Perfect!” He added as he pulled some sleepwear out of the pile. He slipped the sock off his foot and handed it to his wife for labelling, followed by a small bundle of clothes.

“You can’t be serious?” Krista said, eyeing up the pyjamas he’d handed her. They were a set of powder blue long bottoms and long sleeved top, with cartoonish clouds printed on.

“They’re perfect for a young lady like you!” Mark replied with a grin, “now listen to your stepmother and put them on please!” He added with a chuckle, before he proceeded to don his sleepwear that consisted of a matching set of purple lace underwear, and a purple silk robe. He put the underwear on first, tied his hair up ready for bed, then pulled on the robe.

Krista sighed and decided against arguing. She quickly wrote Veronica on the sock mark had given her, then grabbed the cotton panties she was wearing earlier and pulled them back on before slipping into the pyjama set.

“They’re a little loose around the waist!” She muttered as they made their way to their bedroom. She climbed onto the bed, which felt much bigger than it usually did thanks to her smaller frame. The bottoms slid down as she did, and she cursed as she pulled them back up.

“There’s a string around the waist you know!” Mark chuckled.

“What?” Krista replied, lifting the top up to see what he was talking about, “now you tell me!” She said with a smile.

Once she’d sorted herself out, they both climbed into bed together and set some alarms so that they’d be up in time to change back before work in the morning.

“I’m already looking forward to next weekend!” Mark said sleepily as Krista nestled into him.

“Me too, I’ve already got a few more ideas” she yawned.

“Should I be worried?” Mark chuckled, but received no response as Krista was already sound asleep. He lightly kissed the top of her head.

“Night sweetie” he whispered as he felt himself slowly drifting off.

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