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11. A surprise in the morning

10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

A surprise in the morning

avatar on 2024-10-10 15:37:25

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Mark awoke the next morning feeling a little sore, and wondering why he felt so strange. Suddenly the events from the night before came flooding back, and he smiled to himself as he stretched out. He noticed the bed was empty as he did.

“Krista must be up already!” He muttered sleepily, “hope she’s not changed back already” he added.He closed his eyes again and took stock of the feelings he got from his wife’s body as he stretched and moved. He heard footsteps enter from the en-suit, and the mattress press downwards as Krista got onto the bed.

“Morning babe” he purred as he opened his eyes. He was expecting to see his old body in front of him, or perhaps hers. What he got instead was a different red-headed woman, one whose face he knew all too well. That of Krista’s younger sister, and not only was she on his bed, she was completely naked.

“Emily!” He gasped, sitting bolt upright, “what are you doing? What are you naked?” He stammered, trying to avert his eyes. Emily broke into a wide grin, and laughed.

“Relax Mark” she chuckled, “it’s me! Krista!” She added.

“Krista? Why the fuck do you look like your sister?” Mark stammered, he could feel his heart racing.

“Genetics?” Krista replied innocently.

“You know what I mean!” Mark said, trying to calm himself whilst avoiding looking at his naked sister-in-laws body.

“Yeah, yeah” Krista sighed, “if you must know, I was going to change back and surprise you with a little ‘girl-on-girl’ to start your day, so I grabbed what I thought was one of my t-shirts from the basket.” She started, sitting back and folding her arms. She saw Mark trying his best not to look, so she pulled the covers up over her naked form.

“What I didn’t realise was, Emily had left some of her things here last time we went out for girls night,” she continued, “and it was actually one of her shirts. The result was…well, this” she gestured to her body.

“So you’re stuck as your sister for the next twelve hours” Mark said after a moment processing what she told him.

“I’m afraid so,” Krista said apologetically, “so my original plan for the morning is out the window” she sighed.

“Your original plan?” Mark asked, “you have another one in mind now?” Krista looked up at him with a glint in her eye.

“I thought, well hoped actually” she said sweetly, “that we could maybe go on a sisters shopping trip?” She smiled hopefully.

“You want me to go shopping with you…as you?” Mark asked incredulously.

“Yeah, if you’re up for it!” Krista replied excitedly, “I mean, when else would I get the opportunity to see what outfits look like on me from another perspective?” She added.

“I dunno babe” Mark said hesitantly, “I’m fine being you in the privacy of our own home, but going out?” He added.

“Please Mark!” Krista begged, “I’ll make it up to you, I promise!” She pouted. Her usual puppy dog expression looked strange coming from her sisters face, but it still had the same effect.

“Why do I feel like I’m going to regret this?” Mark sighed, “fine! But you owe me one!” He said. Krista clapped her hands together happily.

“Thank you!” She squealed, “I’ve made breakfast, so let’s get dressed, eat, then go” she added as she practically pulled him off the bed.

The two of them rifled through Krista’s underwear drawer and selected a set each. Mark had no trouble with the panties, but Krista had to show him how to put on the bra. She quickly pulled hers on and they both turned to face the mirror.

“Damn we look good!” Krista smirked.

“I have to admit you’re right!” Mark chuckled, striking a pose.

“This is the last time I want my sister wearing my underwear though!” Krista laughed as they headed to the wardrobe to chose their outfits for the day.

Krista settled on a green lacy crop-top that left her dark bra visible, a pair of jeans, and knee high boots. She was going for a younger look that her sister would probably wear, just in case any of Emily’s friends saw them.

For Mark, she gave him a floral top with thin straps, and a green skirt. He pulled the top on easily, and with a bit of a struggle, he got the skirt on over his hips.

“Do your panties always ride up this much?” He asked, lifting the skirt and looking at his backside in the mirror.

“One of the perks of looking this good…sis!” Krista chuckled, “now come on, let’s go eat, I’m starving!” She added, practically bounding out of the bedroom. Mark dropped his skirt back down and sighed.

“I must be going mad!” He laughed, “shopping with my wife…as my wife!” He chuckled as he followed her downstairs.

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