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10. Mark gets more

9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Mark gets more

avatar on 2024-10-09 11:45:06

349 hits, 43 views, 2 upvotes.


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“Your wish is my command!” Krista beamed. She reached out and grabbed his hips. Exerting her new strength she easily rolled him over, and lifted his ass into the air. He pushed himself up and rested his arms on the end of the couch, arching his back to give her full access to his nether region. The scent of his arousal was driving her crazy now, and her cock throbbed with agreement.

“You sure about this?” She asked one more time.

“Just fuck me already!” Mark growled. That firstj orgasm had felt so good, and that was just from her tongue, how good would it feel from getting fucked?

“Just wanted to be sure” she whispered. She grabbed his hip with one hand, and with the other she lined her new member up with his waiting opening. Slowly she eased herself in, feeling the warm wetness envelope her shaft. She moaned deeply with pleasure. Mark opened his mouth, but his voice caught in his throat and he could only manage a strangled squeak as he felt her girth filling him up. He felt her pull back a little and thrust forward. He dropped his head down into the arm of the couch and closed his eyes as the now familiar waves emanated from his crotch. He felt Krista place her hand on the small of his back, and push him down slightly, and forcing his backside into the air even further.

“Oh fuck Krista!” He gasped, finding his voice again, “the feels so fucking good!”

“I never realised how tight I felt!” She grunted back, “this feels amazing!” She added as she started picking up the pace. Mark could feel his tits swinging with each thrust, and the warm waves of pleasure intensified. After a few moments Krista moved her hands around his waist, and while she was still inside him, rolled them both into their sides so they were spooning.

“I love this position, and you’ll see why!” She whispered in his ear as she lifted his leg and resumed her thrusting.

Immediately Mark felt the difference as Krista’s cock stimulated different spots.

“Oh shit!” He gasped as she pumped harder and faster. It wasn’t long before Krista could feel a pressure building at the base of her dick, and she could guess what that meant. She remembered what the note had said about pregnant women, and for once was thankful that she couldn’t have children.

“Oh fuck Mark!” She grunted, “I think I’m going to cum!”

“Me…too!” He gasped, his vision was swirling as the pleasure took over him, and as one they both let out loud moans as Krista shot her warm load inside her husband, who started quivering in her arms. She slowed her movements gradually, as her cock continued to pulse inside Mark’s pussy. They both lay there panting for a few moments.

“Fuck, that was intense!” Mark said when he got his breath back.

“You’re telling me!” Krista replied, gasping for air, “we definitely need to that again!” She chuckled.

“Mmm” Mark agreed. He turned his head towards her and she leaned over to look him in the eye, pulling her softening member out of him as she did.

“God I fucking love you” he purred as they kissed each other again.

“And I love fucking you” Krista replied happily, finally getting a chance to use one of Marks lines on him. They lay there cuddling in blissful silence for a moments as the credits started rolling on the movie. Krista let out a loud yawn.

“I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for bed!” She said groggily.

“That’s the second best idea you’ve had tonight!” Mark replied as he gently rolled off the couch, and got to his feet, “but I think I need to clean up first!” He shivered as he felt Krista’s cum dribble down his leg.

“You shower and I’ll tidy up down here” Krista said. Mark nodded, gathered up the clothes he had been wearing, and headed upstairs. He entered their en suite bathroom and climbed into the bathtub shower they had. He turned the water on and grabbed the shower head. He quickly washed himself down, careful not to get his hair wet, remembering how much Krista usually complained about how long it took to dry.

Once he was clean, he hopped out and dried himself off. He headed back into the bedroom to find Krista already in bed and half asleep.

“She right!” He chuckled, “that is annoying!” He added as he grabbed a clean pair of panties from her drawer, and pulled on the baggy t-shirt that had initiated his change. With that he climbed into bed and snuggled into her. It wasn’t long before they were both sound asleep.

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