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9. Of course he is

8. Things progress

7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Of course he is

avatar on 2024-10-09 10:39:39

314 hits, 35 views, 4 upvotes.


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“Oh for sure!” He grinned as he undid her fly and sharply tugged her jeans down her thighs, making sure to take her boxers with it. Her erection sprung free, bobbing just in front of his vision. He was surprised at how attractive it looked to him, and he figured it must be down to Kristas body. Slowly he stroked one hand up her shaft, lightly brushing the sensitive skin, making her groan deeply.

‘Here goes nothing’ he thought to himself as he leant forward and placed his lip at the base, then worked his way upwards with gentle kisses. He could feel Kristas legs tensing beneath him.

“Oh that feels good!” She purred, “is this how it feels when I…oh god!” She gasped as she felt his soft lips press firmly on the head, and his warm breath hitting the sensitive area.

Mark crotch was practically dripping with excitement at the sounds of her pleasure. As his lowered his mouth down around his wifes cock he slipped his free hand between his own legs and began to rub his new clit, gently at first, but soon with more vigor as he bobbed his head up and down on Krista’s shaft. After a few moments, or what felt like a blissful eternity he felt her hand grab the back of his hair and pull backwards. Her dick slipped out of his mouth with a wet pop, and he looked up at her. She had a hungry look in her eyes as she stared him down. In an almost fluid motion she reached forward and wrapped one arm around his waist, and the other under his leg.

“Oh wow!” Mark gasped and quickly wrapped his arms around her neck as she stood up effortlessly, lifting him with ease. Her jeans dropping down to the floor. She kicked them away then turned her head to look at him.

“I think it’s your turn now!” She said wickedly as she spun around and dropped him lightly onto his back. She placed her hands on his knees and gently pushed his legs apart, revealing his glistening folds. She could smell his arousal, and it only made her hungrier for him. She slowly lowered herself down until her mouth was hovering over his lower lips, and she could feel him tremble with every breath she blew over his crotch.

“Oh god Krista!” Mark whimpered, “just do it already!” A request she was happy to oblige. She stuck out her tongue and slowly licked the the length of his labia, flicking away once she reached his clit. She had to suppress a laugh at the cute little squeak he made, before placing once hand onto his stomach and parting his lips with her fingers. She leant in and eagerly began lapping at his pussy.

Instantly Mark could feel wave after wave of ecstasy rolling through him,

“Oh…god…don’t stop!” He gasped through ragged breaths. Krista picked up the pace, and Mark clamped his hands down on the back of her head, pushing her deeper into him. His eyes rolled back and his whole body tensed up as levy broke and he let out a load moan of delight, his body shaking as his muscles realised. Krista sat back up, her chin still glistening with his juices.

“So how was your first female orgasm” she asked smugly.

“Amazing!” He panted before fixing her with a steely glare, “I want more!” He said.

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