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7. Movie time

6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Movie time

avatar on 2024-10-09 07:18:37

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Mark was surprised that he was actually enjoying the movie after all. Sure some of the sex scenes made him feel strangely warm downstairs, and he started shifting uncomfortably.

“Why don’t you come here” Krista said, lifting an arm off her bare chest, “you know I like snuggling in during movies” she added with a wink. Mark thought against it for a moment, but decided he might be comfier. He shuffled close to her and nestled into her. He felt fuzzy warm feeling shoot through him when she draped her arm back down over his shoulders, pulling him in tight. He let a contented sigh escape his lips as he rested his head on her chest. He turned his attention back to the movie, where the two characters were finally getting to business. The whole scene was filled with passion and tension that he never usually appreciated, but now he could picture himself as the woman, being picked up by a pair of strong arms, kissed passionately. He could feel his crotch growing damp, and a strange restlessness welling up inside him.

Krista was amazed at how much Mark smelt like she used to. She could smell her own shampoo scent coming from his hair as he settled down. This, combined with the feeling of his soft skin against her bare chest, was actually turning her on. She used to tease Mark, saying she felt like she just had to breath sometimes, and it would make him hard, but now she could understand why I’d didnt seem to take much. His body was really attracted to hers. She shifted herself a bit as her erection started to grow more noticeably. Mark raised his head and looked her in the eye.

“Everything ok?” He asked. Krista found herself looking at her former lips, wondering how soft they’d feel against her new ones. Before she even realised it, she had moved forwards, her face inches away from Marks. Mark was momentarily surprised, by brought his hand up to brush her face, as she pulled him closer with her arm over his shoulder. Her other arm snaked around his waist, lifting his shirt slightly, and their lips connected.

Both of them felt a similar mix of nerves and excitement run through their bodies, and as they continued to kiss, Krista found her hand moving slowly down Marks stomach, coming to rest on the front of his panties.

Mark felt like a shock run through him as her fingers brushed over his new sex, and he quickly pulled back in surprise.

“I’m sorry” Krista replied weakly, “I don’t know what came over me, we can stop if you want” she added, a slight blush appearing in her cheeks. Mark looked into her eyes, he knew he should be more hesitant about his current predicament, but part of him wanted more.

“Well?” Krista asked nervously.

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