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6. Krista plans her revenge

5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Krista plans her revenge

avatar on 2024-10-09 06:07:02

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“So how do I look?” Mark grinned as he struck a pose in the kitchen doorway. Kristas jaw dropped at the sight of her old body standing there in a t-shirt and panties. She felt another stirring in her groin, and quickly looked away.

“I…you…” she stammered, “it’s an interesting choice” she said eventually.

“Looking a bit flustered there babe” Mark smirked, “you feeling ok?” He knew full well the effect this outfit would be having on his body, and he felt a thrill at the thought of turning Krista on like this. Krista could tell what kind of game he was playing, and had already planned her revenge.

“I just never realised how good I looked!” She replied, “popcorns almost ready, so I’m going to go choose a movie for us.” She added.

“Wait, but it’s my turn to chose!” Mark protested.

“No, it’s Marks turn to chose, and i think you’ll find that you’re currently Krista!” His wife smiled broadly. Mark opened his mouth to argue, but in the grand scheme of things, he decided against it.

“Fine!” He replied, “just pick something I’ll enjoy at least!” He added as he took her place waiting by the popcorn.

“Oh I will!” Krista replied as she made her way into the living room. With it being summer the evening light was still coming in through the large bay windows, and she briefly considered closing the blinds.

“Ah, we’ll be fine” she muttered to herself, “I’ve got bigger fish to fry” she added wickedly as she fired up Marks console and opened a streaming channel. She quickly flicked through and found what she wanted. A steamy romance film she’d watched before, the kind of think that got her all hot and bothered.

“This should get him all worked up!” She chuckled. A few moments later Mark arrived with the popcorn. He spotted what was on the screen and he rolled his eyes.

“Seriously?” He sighed, “a chick-flick?”

“Oh you’ll enjoy it” Krista replied, “trust me” she added with a wink as she took a seat on the sofa, leaning back into the armrest. She tried to cross her legs and winced in pain.

“Yeah, can’t sit like that when you’ve got balls” Mark chuckled, plopping down next to her. He found his legs automatically curling up underneath him.

“Yeah, I’ll have to remember that next time you start manspreading!” Krista joked as she reached for the popcorn, “you ready?” She asked. Mark nodded.

“Yeah, let’s get this over with” he said with a joking sigh as Krista picked up the remote and pressed play.

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