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5. Plans for the evening.

4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Plans for the evening.

avatar on 2024-10-08 15:28:05

356 hits, 37 views, 4 upvotes.


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Mark shrugged in response.

“I don’t know, I wasn’t really planning on this to happen if I’m honest” he said.

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Krista sighed, “I just thought we’d have a laugh, then end up watching a movie like we normally do” she said folding her arms and looking away thoughtfully.

“We could still do that” Mark replied, cocking his hip to the side. Krista looked at him and broke out laughing.

“Oh my god Mark, you’re standing like I normally do!” She chuckled. Mark suddenly became aware of his positioning and giggled.

“Maybe it’s like a kind of muscle memory of something” he said, his face turning red.

“Oh look at you getting all embarrassed!” Krista teased, “you look so cute!”

“Yeah, well look at you stood there with your arms like that. I can see you flexing your arms you know!” Mark grinned back. It was true, it was something he usually did when he was trying to get Krista flustered. He knew she liked his biceps and shoulders, and now he could see why, he had to admit, his body looked good. His gaze shifted down to his tight stomach, and then down to his cock, hanging there. He quickly realised where he was staring and his eyes shot back up.

“Like what you see babe?” Krista grinned, using the phrase he usually used in this kind of situation. She couldn’t blame him though, she was having a hard time not staring at his naked breast, formerly hers, and that neat little shaved pussy he had between his legs now… her eyes widened when she felt a weird sensation between her own legs. A foreign tightness, that felt kind of good. Oh god, was she getting hard.

“Seems like you do!” Mark said with a knowing glance to her growing member. He was impressed at the size of it, even at half-mast. Suddenly he felt a foreign feeling of his own, A dampness in his crotch. He looked back up at her.

“So… movie?” He asked, feeling a little flustered.

“Yeah, movie sounds good!” Krista replied, equally as embarrassed at her new feelings for her own body. She quickly pulled on Marks boxers and jeans.

“Tell you what.” She said, “I’ll let you get dressed and go put some popcorn on. Choose whatever you want to wear,” she added with a wink, and with that she was gone. Mark breathed a sigh of relief. He was worried about where that little moment could have led, and he wasn’t sure if he was quite ready for that yet, even though there was some small part of him that wanted to see how it felt being on Krista’s side of things.

“Whatever I want eh?” He mused as he looked around the room. She seemed to enjoy watching him get flustered, maybe he could turn the tables on her. He knew exactly what he was going to wear now. He rifled through her underwear drawer, and found a pair of black ruffled panties that she usually wore when she was trying to drive him wild. He slipped them up his now smooth legs, and settled them easily over his hips. He found he quite liked the sensation of the satin clinging to the empty space in his groin. He turned around and admired the way the material clung to his now shapely backside. He ran his hand over his crotch and shivered at the sensation.

“No time for that!” He said to himself as he moved to another drawer and pulled out a clean t-shirt. He quickly pulled it over his bare chest and looked in the mirror. He smirked, this was the kind of outfit Krista would wear when she was trying to tease him, and judging by her reactions in his body just now, it would work just as well on her.

“God, have I somehow picked up her mischevious streak?” He chuckled to himself, “ah who cares, now she gets to find out what it’s liked to be in the receiving end of her flirty games!” He grinned as he made his way downstairs.

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