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4. Krista’s turn

3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Krista’s turn

avatar on 2024-10-08 15:01:21

319 hits, 37 views, 2 upvotes.


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“You’re planning on turning into me then?” Mark asked from his wife’s body.

“Well yeah!” Krista replied taking the medallion from the vanity and placing it around her neck, “who else would I turn into?” She added as if it was the most obvious thing ever. She bent down and picked up Marks boxers from where they still lay on the floor and touched them to the medallion.

“Ow! I see what you mean about that shock!” She said. They both waited and watched and sure enough, Kristas hair began to darken, losing its red sheen, and becoming a duller brown. After a few more minutes her body started shifting, her shoulders broadening, and her muscles becoming more prominent.

“Damn, check out these guns!”’she grinned as she flexed her bicep.

“I think you’re getting taller too!” Mark added, getting to his feet, his eyeline was level with her chin now, which was how things normally were between the two of them.

“Oh yeah,” Krista smirked, looking down at him, “you look so cute from up here!” She added with a laugh, they continued watching as hair began to sprout all over her chest and legs, and the hints of a beard appeared on her face. Her boobs began to deflate and firmed up becoming her pecs, and her butt and waist lost any sign of curves.

“Coming up to 30 minutes!” Mark said, checking the clock on the bedside table.

“Oh, that feels weird!” Krista exclaimed as her voice dropped a few octaves. Marks eyes were drawn to her crotch where he could see her clit beginning to swell, moving further out and away from her body. Soon an exact replica of his old penis was hanging between her legs, quickly joined by two ball dropping down beneath it.

“How do I look?” Krista beamed, striking a pose and flexing her new muscles.

“Just like me!” Mark giggled, “please tell me I don’t look that cringey when I show off like that!” He added.

“Probably even more!” Krista joked back, “come here!” She added, dragging him to stand next to her. They turned and faced the mirror, unable to to believe that everything the note had said was true, they really had turned into each other. Krista removed the medallion and returned it to its box.

“So…” she began, “what now?”

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