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3. Mark goes first

2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

Mark goes first

avatar on 2024-10-08 11:54:36

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“I’m happy to do the honors!” Mark grinned, “if that’s ok with you?” He added.

“By all means, be my guest” Krista replied theatrically. Mark removed his t-shirt, and received a wolf whistle from his wife. He took the medallion from her and put it around his neck, shivering for a moment when the cold metal touched his skin.

“So now I just need someone else’s clothes” he said with a shrug. Krista nodded, and grabbed the baggy t-shirt she usually slept in from off the bed.

“Oh, so I get to be you for the evening do I?” Mark chuckled.

“Well it’s not like we have anybody else’s clothes here do we?” Krista replied, “now come on, don’t you want to see if the note was telling the truth?” She asked eagerly.

“Fine” Mark rolled his eyes, “but don’t be disappointed when it doesn’t work” he added with a wink. With that he touched the t-shirt to the medallion and yelped in surprise. He dropped the t-shirt to the floor and clenched his hand.

“What happened?” Krista asked, a flash of concern in her eyes.

“Damn thing gave me a static shock!” Mark said, waving his hand around.

“Do you feel any different?” Krista asked when he’d finally settled down.

“Not really” Mark shrugged, “other than my hands still a bit tingly. Told you that note was just a selling tactic” he said with a smile.

“I wouldn’t be so sure…” Krista replied, her eyes fixed on his head, “look in the mirror”

“What do you mean?” Mark asked turning to look at himself in the mirror on her vanity. His jaw dropped, his usual brown hair was seemingly changing colour before his eyes. It was becoming a more coppery red colour, similar to Krista’s.

“Nah, it’s got to be a trick of the light or something!” He said, leaning closer to his reflection, “I… woah! My hand!” He gasped as he saw the hand he’d been shocked with was looking a little slimmer, and his nails a bit longer.

“Amazing!” Krista gasped, placing her own next to it, “they’re almost identical! Your hairs getting longer too!”

“This is getting a bit freaky!” Mark said nervously as he could actually feel his body getting lighter as his muscle mass started decreasing. His jeans started feeling loose, and before he knew it they dropped to the floor to pool around his ankles, along with his boxers. He watched in the mirror as his facial hair seemed to retreat back into his face.

“I look like a freaking teenager!” He gasped, “screw this, I’m taking it off”

“No don’t!” Krista replied, “the transformations only just started! Its only been about 10 minutes. If the note is true about this, then it’s true about being able to change back!” She added pleasingly.

“But it said that wouldn’t be for 12 hours!” Mark protested, feeling his height start to decrease.

“So, it’s Sunday tomorrow, and we’ll be able to change back in the morning!”

“We?” Mark asked, looking over at his wife, and not all that surprised to notice they were the same height now, rather than him usually standing taller than her..

“Yeah, We!” Krista replied, “I want a turn too! Pleeeeeease!” She practically begged. Mark studied her for a moment hesitantly. He could see how much she wanted this.

“Fine!” He said with a sigh after a moment, much to his wife’s delight. It was then he noticed his hair was starting to fall into his eye line.

“Damn, it’s getting long!” He exclaimed, raging his hand to brush it away. He noticed both hands were now slim and dainty with well manicured nails on each finger. Then he felt a light pressure building on his hips and chest as they both started expanding.

“Oh, my man is getting some curves!” Krista chuckled with delight, “and some sexy ones at that!” Mark looked down and watched as his chest began to swell, and he could feel his backside following suit.

“This feels so weird” he said “how long has it been now?”

“About 20/25 minutes” Krista replied, “you’re almost me!” She said, half surprised, half excited.

“I can see that!” Mark said, nodding towards the mirror, her excitement becoming infectious, “just one big difference” he added, looking down between his new breasts at his flaccid member hanging between his legs.

“Not so big anymore!” Krista chuckled as they watched it begin to shrink away. Mark could feel his balls retreating up inside him, the sack forming a cute pair of lips. His penis disappeared into his new folds, and became his new clit.

“I think it’s done” he said, even his voice had changed. He removed the medallion and set it down on the vanity.

“This is crazy!” He said as he took a seat on the bed, and stared at his reflection in the mirror. He was an exact duplicate of his wife now. He ran his hands through his hair, and allowed himself a little smile as he looked at his naked form.

“Damn, now I know what you mean when you say I look hot!” Krista grinned, eyeing him up and down. She slowly started removing her clothes.

“Woah, what are you doing?” Mark asked in his wife’s voice.

“It’s my turn now, and I don’t want my clothes to rip apart when I turn into you!” Krista grinned wickedly.

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