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2. A married couple in their 30’s

1. Altered Fates

A married couple in their 30’s

avatar on 2024-10-08 11:06:33

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Authors note: This is story I’ve been wanting to make a start on for a while now, but I’ve been to wrapped up with other projects. It’s a kind of self-cert with me and my wife (names have changed obviously) and I’d love for anyone to take/make a branch and run with it! Anything goes with this one! - MMJ

Mark and Krista were browsing through the items on the tables. Krista was a 32 year old redheaded woman, who was often told she looked young for her age, and Mark, her husband, was 34, with shaggy brown hair, and a slightly muscular physique.

“Hey babe!” Mark chuckled picking up a small box with what looked like a necklace in it, “check this out!” Krista walked over and peered at the contents, her pale blue eyes fell on a pice of paper sticking out from the lining.

“Whats this?” She asked pulling it out, “looks like a note of some kind” she mused as she unfolded it. Her eyes darted across the page for a second before she chuckled.

“What does it say?” Mark asked with a smile.

“Get a load of this!” Krista grinned handing him the note. It read:

Reader, in your hand you hold the fabled Medallion of Zulo. This medallion has incredible magical properties, and you may not believe the following, but I assure you everything written here is true. Why not find out for yourself, it’s very simple to use. You simply place the medallion around your neck and ensure it is touching bare skin. You may then do one of the following:

Touch a worn item of clothing to the medallion. Your physical form will transform to match the form of the person who last wore the clothes.

Touch a new item of clothing to the medallion. Your own form will alter sufficiently to fit the clothing touching the medallion.

Have another person touch the medallion. The physical forms of the two people will be exchanged

Now an item as powerful as this does come with some limitations! Take note that the medallion does not work on pregnant women. If the medallion is removed before the transformation completes (it usually takes 30-40 minutes), then the change may stop if possible. And finally, only one change is possible within a single 12 hour period. After that the medallion will not work on the same person again until those 12 hours are up.

Follow the above and you will find your life enriched beyond your wildest dreams!

“Wow, someone has a wild imagination!” Mark scoffed as he folded the note and placed it back in the box.

“I know right!” Krista replied thoughtfully, “still it makes you wonder though” she trailed off. Mark looked at the thoughtful look in her eyes and could tell where this was headed.

“You want to buy it don’t you?” He said with a smile.

“What…no” Krista joked, “well, I mean, I’m curious about it now. It’s one way to get a sale isn’t it?” She grinned. Mark rolled his eyes and checked the price tag.

“Don’t say I don’t buy you anything nice! Hell we can make this our date night activity tonight if you want.” He laughed as they headed over to the exit to make their purchase. Once they had paid the homeowner, who didn’t seem to recognise the piece, they headed back to their car and drove home joking about who they could transform into if only the note was true.

Once they arrived back at their home, a little house in the suburbs with a spacious garden, they quickly headed inside.

“I’m starving,” Krista grumbled, “I’ll go get dinner started, go put our magic medallion upstairs then come give me a hand.” She added heading off into the kitchen. Mark stood and watched her shapely rear disappear through the doorway then headed upstairs. He took the case up to their bedroom and placed it on the sideboard, before returning to the kitchen to help with the food. It was only a stir-fry, but he still enjoyed spending as much time with his wife as he could, considering how busy they were with their jobs during the week. Mark was a writer, and was usually holed up in the study working or researching, and Krista worked in the nearby museum. She was in charge of the Ancient Greece department, and was often working late cataloguing items, or prepping them for display.

Once they’d eaten they sat and talked for a while, before finally heading upstairs to bedroom. Krista took the medallion out of its case and held it out, dangling it from one finger.

“So,” she said as she cocked her hips to one side, “who’s going to try it out first?”

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