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7. Wishes Can't Be Reversed

6. Mother and Daughter

5. Two Brothers

4. The New Dynamic

3. Jon sleeps on it.

2. A wish for something interesti

1. You Are What You Wish

The New Dynamic: Wishes Can't Be Reversed

on 2024-10-02 23:33:54

596 hits, 114 views, 4 upvotes.

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Karyn Black woke up to start her day, unaware that reality had changed overnight. She headed to the mirror, grabbing a brush to comb her long blond hair before looking at herself approvingly.

Wishes could only be reinterpreted, so Karyn's wish to have blond hair and large breasts remained...but being as the circumstances of her making the wish had now not occurred...she was oblivious to that fact.

She checked her texts. Invite from Steve Farber to a party...hard pass. She'd gone to one of Steve's parties once. Drinking, hooking up...Steve was a pig.

She got dressed. This Karyn wasn't the sort to wear loose ratty clothing, but her jeans and top were designed to flatter, but not flaunt her figure. It was a contrast to her rival, Sarah McMillan. Although rival was a strong word. Since they'd started to develop at the same time, and had similar hair, she hated that people confused her with that spoiled brat. Sarah's biggest accomplishment, as far as Karyn could tell, was hooking up with the captain of the football team. She never missed an opportunity to take her down a few pegs.

Jon had been a large factor of the person Karyn had become...and without him, Karyn had taken a different path.

She saw another text. "What the fuck does she want?" Karyn said. She quickly finished getting dressed, got her bag, and hurried out of the house to meet the person who sent her the message.

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