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102. Unlikely Connection

101. Impact

100. Female Friends

99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

The Workmen: Unlikely Connection

on 2024-09-22 01:57:02

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Julie shook her head, getting to her feet. She offered Tiffany a hand and helped her up. "Fine...we're both sorry...okay? Just...forget it...okay?"

Tiffany looked at her. "I think this is the first time you've said anything to me...and we've been in classes for ages..."

Julie rolled her eyes. "Well, don't expect it to be a habit," she said, starting off.

Tiffany followed her.

"What are you doing?"

"We're in the same class must be going there, right?" Tiffany said.

Julie paused. She was going to ditch class, but somehow...suddenly, with someone noticing, she...." She made a noise. "Whatever..." She turned to head in the right direction.

Tiffany smiled at her, which made her feel more annoyed. "You know, people keep saying you're a witch."

"Yeah...whatever...I don't fucking care what they say."

"I know," the other girl said. "I wish I didn't care..." She said, as they started up the stairs.

A shadow crossed Julie's face and she looked at Tiffany. "The klutz thing?"

Tiffany nodded.

"Look..." Julie said, feeling bad for calling her names...especially considering what people called her. "Just ignore it. In another year...we'll graduate and nothing people said about either of us in high school will matter."

They entered the classroom and Julie went to her usual desk. During the course of the class, she spotted Tiffany looking at her.

When class was over, and she headed out into the hallway, the girl followed her. Julie made a sudden turn, and then another, and then went out the side door. The other girl came out a few seconds later and Julie grabbed her arm. She wasn't trying to hurt her, it would have been easy to pull away from. "What are you doing? I don't need a shadow."

"We have something in common," Tiffany said.

"And now we're going to be best friends...come on...." Julie said, sarcastically.

"You care too," Tiffany said. "You just pretend it doesn't bother you."

The other girl shrugged. "I wish there were less stupid shallow people at this school. I bet a lot of kids do."

"I know what you mean...the other of them invited me to a sleepover. I one invites me to stuff...and I got nervous and excited and then...." she looked embarrassed. "I don't think they'll invite me back again."

"Why the hell are you telling me this?" Julie asked.

"I don't know...." Tiffany said, nervously. "I want to ask if you want to...hang out sometime before I get nervous and accidentally give you a concussion or something and then you forget me asking..."

Julie actually laughed at that, but then grew serious herself. "Whatever...sure. Two conditions. aren't telling anyone. Second...I choose what we do and you go along. You can bail at any time..."

"Deal," she said, exhaling. She turned around and headed off.

"Tiffany," Juie called.

She turned.

"Don't you want to know when and where?"

Tiffany hurried back, and gave her her cell number before heading off.

Julie actually smiled. She wasn't sure what that just was...but she had a feeling that this might just be interesting.

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