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101. Impact

100. Female Friends

99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

The Workmen: Impact

on 2024-09-20 01:54:36

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Tina thought about it. "Maybe," she said. "Will Jennifer be there?"

Sabrina looked at her blankly. "Jennifer who?"

Tina frowned. What now? "Isn't that the name of the new girl who was painting sets the other day?"

"I don't think so..." Sabrina said, thinking.

"Fine..I'll come." She needed some distance from Jon anyway...things were getting way too weird. She couldn't feel guilty about lying to him if she didn't actually lie...or so she hoped.

Meanwhile, one of their classmates was definitely heading away from class. She had long black hair, a leather jacket, and a white shirt. Julie Devries wasn't paying much attention to anyone around her. She generally pushed past people and most of them gave her a wide berth.

Except for today and Tiffany Leeson. Or more like, she expected the other girl to walk around her and instead, Tiffany walked straight into her.

"What the hell..." Julie exclaimed, as they both fell to the floor. "Watch where you are going..."

"It was an accident."

"It's always an accident with're like a walking disaster area..." Julie muttered.

Tiffany looked hurt at that. "You walked into me, Julie..."

Julie shook her head, getting to her feet. She offered Tiffany a hand and helped her up. "Fine...we're both sorry...okay? Just...forget it...okay?"

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