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100. Female Friends

99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

The Workmen: Female Friends

on 2024-09-18 00:50:37

185 hits, 47 views, 2 upvotes.

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And while Jon was trying to cope...what had Tina Black been up to?

Tina felt extremely guilty about what she was doing with Jon. She was selling out her best friend...but something about what the person doing this rang true. Something felt wrong. And...meeting her Mom...her real just felt right. She didn't know that was a combination of factors...including the conditioning she'd been given.

Sabrina Brewer joined her as she walked. "Hey, weren't in class earlier..." To Tina's recollection, which started after Sabrina had become her current self, Sabrina was someone she was friendly with.

"I overslept..." Tina said. "My mom already read me the riot act about it..." She actually had enjoyed that. It felt felt normal...especially after the craziness of the last few nights.

"I had fun at the sleepover the other night..."

"Me too...I don't do stuff like that a lot."

"'re always hanging around with Jon," Sabrina said. "I always thought that was kind of weird." She paused. "You are sure the two of you aren't a thing, right?"

"No!" Tina insisted. "We're just friends." She paused, thinking about it. "Weird how?"

"Just...that you often turn down invitations from us to hang out with Jon. I mean...we're friends, right?"

Tina thought about it. If everything was broken...was that broken too? She knew Jon was her friend...but she also knew that Jon wasn't right about everything related to the strange men and the changes going on. "Sure..."

"Maybe you'll come and help us paint sets after school..."

Tina thought about it. "Maybe," she said. "Will Jennifer be there?"

Sabrina looked at her blankly. "Jennifer who?"

Tina frowned. What now?

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