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99. Moms’ Home

98. Awkward

97. Division in the ranks

96. Tina Breathes a Sigh of Relief

95. Tina Wakes Up

94. Katherine

93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

The Workmen: Moms’ Home

avatar on 2024-09-17 09:01:36

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Jon’s afternoon at school went by almost as normal apart from having the new deputy principal introduce herself in a special assembly during his last class of the day. Most people in the class were happy that Ms. Gutfreund had chosen that period to hold the assembly as it meant that they could get away five minutes early. Jon however was not happy to see her again as all it did was remind him that he had lost his friend to whatever was happening in the town Well for the moment.

Jon waited for Tina at the same spot he would normally wait for Karyn but she didn’t show up. That was the second time today she had ditched him. He wondered what was going on. He made it to his house to find his Mom’s car parked outside. She seemed to have been away for ages he thought. Jon’s rational brain told him that she sometimes needed to spend time away from home but with everything that was going on he could do with just knowing that she was home safe. The fact her car was parked outside their shared home made him feel a little better especially after the news had got about Karyn.

Inside he saw a woman standing at the kitchen counter putting a coffee down.

“Hi honey you are home early.” The woman said with his back to him.

Jon at once knew what had happened his mother was the latest victim of the Blue-Clad men and their masters. He steadied himself as the woman in front of him turned round to face him.

He saw a middle-aged woman with red hair standing at the kitchen counter, looking thoughtfully towards him. She was wearing a blue cardigan over a white shirt. Her arms were crossed, and one hand rested on the counter, while the other traced the edge of her sleeve. Her fingernails are painted with his mother's normal neutral color of polish. She had around her neck his mother's favorite gold necklace and pendant along with her gold earrings. In other words one of his mother's favorite outfits but she was not his mother.

This was the second member of his family to be replaced but unlike Sarah, he wasn’t who she was. He had to find out who she used to be. The only way he could think of to do this was the app but he had to think of a reason for taking her picture.

“How was your day honey?” The unknown woman asked him.

“Not too bad We have a new deputy principal at school.” He told her trying not to think of who Ms. Gutfreund was.

“Well, I suppose it was about time.” This woman said.

“I’m going upstairs to put my stuff away,” Jon told the woman as he headed out of the kitchen.

“Ok, honey. Don’t be long I am making spaghetti tonight.” She said as Jon headed for the stairs.

Jon stopped halfway up the stairs and managed to get a picture of her. He didn’t look at it he wanted to wait until he got to his room before doing so. Once inside he opened his phone and saw the picture of the woman he had just been speaking to downstairs.

It read Melissa Madison. Age 45. For more information click next.

He only knew of one Melissa but she was around his age. Then he remembered what had happened to Karyn. He clicked the option for more information.

The picture that came up showed a young woman in a blue and white cheerleading uniform standing on the edge of a football field with a big smile showing her excitement. He recognized the location as the football field at his school. The young woman with fiery red hair, wearing a bright blue and white cheerleading outfit. The practice uniform that the cheerleaders at his school had. She had her hand on her hip, and a wide, bright smile on her face. There were other cheerleaders in the background of the picture but he couldn’t make out who they were.

Under the picture, the now all too familiar typeface was waiting for him to read.

It read Melissa Smith. Age 17.

He didn’t bother trying to save the picture as he knew he could. Jon sat on the floor of his bedroom fighting to hold back his tears. He had taken two massive hits. Not only had Karyn been lost to whatever was happening now his mother had as well and with Tina acting strange as well he didn’t know who to turn to for help.

Somewhere outside the normal rules of time.

“Almost time for you to go back and join the rest of the world Linda. I wonder what your son will make of you when he sees you. He only got to meet his new mother today. I almost feel sorry for him but he is getting in our way a bit just now.” The female voice said as the blonde it belonged to turned away and headed towards the door out of the room she and the former Linda Madison were in.

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