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141. New Tribes

140. Hero Buffs

139. Prophecy

138. Plot Hook

137. Interaction

136. Advance

135. Rewards

134. Breeding

133. More Snakes

132. 6 Weapons

131. Natural

130. Looping

129. Encounter

128. Naming

127. Protectors

126. Towering

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

Red and Yellow Tribes

avatar on 2024-09-12 19:24:20
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-09-12 19:32:54

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Reading into prophecies given to warriors or merchants of others races became the most important thing I would do as a Sage. Most of the prophecies were filled with a lot of sexual innuendos and subtext. Most of it had to do with fucking or baiting the enemy or the NPC in front of me in some way. A few of them brought to me were the unique search quests that needed wits to solve a major puzzle or find a dungeon. Those seemed to be exclusive to the actual Players and the amount of them were still pretty low compared to other sub-worlds. I did the best that I could and sent them on their way. I did not send any more of my Ynnub with them as it would be bad if all of the adventurers died or formed some new tribes to settle elsewhere. It was a good place to be for a tribe but soon there would be little space to expand to. The red tribe was pretty good and the offspring were pretty strong. There were less predators within the the triangular perimeter of my territory. Migrating races could attack those that strayed from the pack, but the heroes and mates could protect them from most foes.

It was when a male, bright yellow Doat came to me with another prophecy. It was clear to me that he was having a rough time. He was an amphibious race but there was still a need for him to be wet every so often. His skin was dry and beginning to chafe. He seemed to be pretty itchy. Before he finished talking I asked if he would like some water. He nodded and I went off to fetch a couple of buckets of water. One was for drinking and the other was to douse his body in. There was a very marked improvement right away. his voice was less raspy and more melodic. Body began to look shiny and some fluid began to form on the outer layer of his skin. He took my hands in his and thanked me. I nodded and waived it off. I wanted to help him and that was all. The prophecy was "You will be unbeatable in battle and form a nation of your own seed. However, you will be broken and slain by a mage of black scales born not of a female that will make you their female." Nice. I thought about it. It seemed he had a boss buff. He would be weak to magic and especially to Ekans and Elitpers.

Since that was the case, as long as there was no black Ekans and Elitpers around him, he would be fine. Even if they did appear, as long as he personally did not give a single opening for them to make him birth their eggs, he would not die. I could use a champion like him. I explained the prophecy to him and asked if he would like to settle on the opposite side of the tower. I could give him a female from the white tribe to help with the nation building. I could make the prophecy very easy for him. He accepted and a female was given to him. I was able to modify the terrain in the territory so I made a small lake on his side half a mile from the tower to the north. It was a similar scenario to the red tribe dynamics. If the Daot father gave sperm to the womb of the Ynnub mother, she had a live birth of Ynnub children. If the father implanted his own eggs in the mother's back door, the mother had to go to the lake to give birth to the tadpoles the Daot would soon develop into. The resulting offspring were all a pale yellow. The Doat in question was a swordsman. His tribe was the smallest by far.

The red and yellow tribes were racially diverse. Some of them were Ynnubs. Others were the same species as the other parent. Since they all came from the same 2 parents, they were able to get along with each other. That did mean that they had a bit of a leg up. The Daots and Elitpers were naturally stronger and more deadly than the Ynnubs were. When they grew enough to become looters or adventurers, it would be them that would hog all of the glory. Right now, they were all babies. They would need some time to grow up. In the mean time, it was also time to go around and supplying the 5 villages with the weapons. My Protectors were more than happy to be of use in this endeavor. All 18 of them went into the villages to distribute the weapons generated inside their chests. Some of the tribesmen wanted to mate with them. The Protectors were allowed to if they wanted. However, they had such low libido that they did not think of it. The dodged the more aggressive types and made it to the next village to repeat the process. I watched them on their task from the tower.

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