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140. Hero Buffs

139. Prophecy

138. Plot Hook

137. Interaction

136. Advance

135. Rewards

134. Breeding

133. More Snakes

132. 6 Weapons

131. Natural

130. Looping

129. Encounter

128. Naming

127. Protectors

126. Towering

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

121. Guardians Vs Protectors 2

Midnight and Dusty

avatar on 2024-09-12 19:21:52
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-09-12 19:32:34

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One day, a pair of Ynnub adventurers in full steel armor came to the tower. They each had a female red Elitper on their arms. They were 2 of the adventurers that I sent with the warrior. The shining armor was a very high quality and ornamented to look like the tough scales of the Elitper. They were very eager to tell me of their quest in as distant a land as anyone from this region would ever see. It was a member from the brown and black villages. They accompanied the warrior and told he them the very full parameters of the mission. They made their way all the way to the dessert biome. They fought and navigated together, but it was clear that the warrior was carrying the group. It was to be expected. Elitpers were just much stronger than Ynnubs. They eventually got to the warrior's homeland, Red Sands Village. When they got there, they had to lay low for a bit as the bandit king was still raiding. It was imperative they not get caught or show their hand before they got a monster like him alone. When the Elitper was ready, they came up with their plan. He roped all their hands together.

It was to make them look like slaves. When they were taken in by the bandit king, the 3 Ynnubs sprung to action. They jumped up and offered themselves for sex. The bandit king, being overconfident, decided to go with it. The weaker black Ynuub was able to occupy him by trying to enter his genital slit. That did not work and the bandit king was able to fully erect and fuck him senseless. The brown Ynnub went next and put up a decent fight with his very high stamina and near feral prowess. During this, the white Ynnub snuck behind the bandit king and got his ovipositor in his ass. With the bandit king being a virgin back there and the double team, they were able to get the boss off. The white Ynnub came inside him as planned. That pissed the boss off and the bandit king wrapped his tail around the white Ynnub's throat and strangled him as he eviserated the defenseless Ynnub with his sharp claws. This sadistic display was more than enough for the Elitper warrior to sneak in and spear him hard from behind. Pinned to the ground, he was easy prey for the other 3. They all killed him.

Poking and beating him to death took time, but it was worth it. With the leader dead, the rest of the village was able to overthrow the rest of the bandits. Because they all had fulfilled the quest from the oracle, they were named the heroes of the village. They were given their pick of the nubile females and were given the best of the best the village had to offer. Hence the armor and new weapons. They were given golden spears with obsidian heads. Their armor was also a marked improvement from before. I praised them and told them that due to their heroics, the villages should throw a party for them and give them a bigger hut. They were certainly happy about it. I went to the villages with the pairs to make the decree personally. The Ynnub were excited for a new and exciting party and I told their Elitper wives they were not allowed to eat the other Ynnub. They both grumbled about it but obeyed. With the Hero title given to them, they had 100% buffs to everything. They could also be given a unique name that would be part of them going forward. The lore of the world would then record it.

Quickly, I though of some good names for them. I named the black one Midnight the Spearbunny and the brown one Dusty the Distractor. They liked their name and their whole village cheered them on. After that, we watched as the returning heroes took their new mates aside to breed. In Dusty's case, it was out in the open. Depending on how the breeding took place, the children were the race of a different parent. If the Ynnub father gave sperm to the womb of the Elitper mother, she laid hard eggs that would hatch into Elitper children. If the father implanted his own eggs in the mother's back door, she had a live birth of Ynnub children. Midnights offspring were a brick red as opposed to the bright red of the mother. Dusty's were more of a rusty hue. The mothers got their nutrients by sucking off their mates. They could eat the thick eggs straight from their sacs. That was fine with the Ynnub getting a blowjob for free. After a certain amount of red offspring were born, I told them they should form their own tribe. They did and moved close to the tower. Other similar scenarios came up as well.

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