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139. Prophecy

138. Plot Hook

137. Interaction

136. Advance

135. Rewards

134. Breeding

133. More Snakes

132. 6 Weapons

131. Natural

130. Looping

129. Encounter

128. Naming

127. Protectors

126. Towering

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

121. Guardians Vs Protectors 2

120. Attrition

Going With Help

avatar on 2024-09-12 19:20:51
Episode last modified by 1Ryguy1 on 2024-09-12 19:31:35

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I was then given the prophecy. I asked him to repeat it multiple times. It was as follows: "The bandit king of Red Sands will not perish until he is pierced with the manliest of spears and flooded with sailors docked in his harbor." I had to think about it for a few minutes. It was totally nonsensical if you considered the area the boss was in. No sailors existed in a real sense there. The red warrior told me that Red Sands Village was in a desert biome. There were no rivers or large enough bodies of water for ships or boats. Unless you took lots of euphemisms into account, there would be no way for things to happen. As a Sage, I more than aware that this was an explicit 18+ sub-world. With that in mind, I used my knowledge of sexual innuendos to answer. A "manly spear" was a dick. "Little sailors" usually referred to sperm. "I think that from what you told me that the bandit king needs to be fucked into submission." I said. The warrior looked at me skeptically. "I assure you he has raped and pillaged his way through my village many times." he said. "But has anyone fucked his ass or genital slit?"

My question was met with silence. "He has been dominant in everything he's tried." he said. "I can only assume from the wording that he's somehow weakened when an enemy cums inside his ass or genital slit." I responded. It seemed to be one of the only things that has not been tried. The warrior was still skeptical. He asked "That very well might be the case, but how will I kill him after I have... weakened him? I doubt he will allow me near him with my spear in hand." I had an idea for that. I told Epsilon to get an adventurer from each of the villages. Epsilon hurried and accomplished it. The Elitper did not think that they would be that useful. "Surely that human would be a much better companion for this task." he said. I nodded. "I know he is. That is why he is with me. You will have some good companions. Use them as the decoys to lure the bandit king in. With the 4 of you, someone will be able to cum inside him and the others can attack." I told him. When the 3 adventurers in full iron armor came, the red Elitper was not impressed. "Not them. Allow me some of your warriors." I sighed.

I denied him. Now that they had gone, all we could do was wait to see if they could do it and come back. Epsilon was still a bit miffed that I had been following him. "You probably got off on it, you perv." he said. I shook my head. "I just wanted to make sure you were safe." He huffed and started making his way to the tower. I walked with him all the way there. Epsilon gave me the silent treatment, but I was fine as long as he was coming back to us. Having the whole team together was very important for me. Business was starting to pick up with the looters, remaining adventurers, and farmers doing their jobs and improving at them over time. I was able to win him over by walking him around to fight the invaders. Being needed to protect others actually made him feel better about his place in the sub-world. His mood improved and he let me fuck him in the ass every once in a while. When he wanted to top, he found a partner in one of the villages. The other Protectors were doing their jobs to ensure that all of their needs were being met. I started venturing outside the territory to scout it.

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