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136. Advance

135. Rewards

134. Breeding

133. More Snakes

132. 6 Weapons

131. Natural

130. Looping

129. Encounter

128. Naming

127. Protectors

126. Towering

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

121. Guardians Vs Protectors 2

120. Attrition

119. Talking

118. Death Threat

117. Fraternal Order

Establishing Themselves

avatar on 2024-09-12 18:49:31

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Even if that was the case I had to step in. There were only a few warriors for each tribe. The Tacs were a group of angry females over 7 feet tall with rusty red fur. Things were not going to go well for the Ynnub. When I got there and looked at them combat was already going on. The Tacs were clawing at the ones in armor. They greatly outnumbered the warriors and the spare ones were running through the huts looting. They were not stopped. I told the normal Ynnub to step aside. 3 of the Protectors in the area then rounded them up and kept them safe. Mason Tanner and Brandon were with me. "Keep the warriors safe. They are important to the tribe." I instructed. It was a cornerstone of my plans. They all nodded at me and joined the fray. They switched out with the warriors and told them to go with the other tribesmen. They did so and huddled together in a large plie. The Protectors were giving slaps and pushes to the Tac pack. They were bare handed and using their claws. The Protectors were fighting bare handed as well. When the fighters were low health, the Tac glared at us.

Fighting a much tougher opponent, they stopped attacking and looked around. They were analyzing us and trying to see how to take us down. "Why are humans helping a silly thief Ynnub tribe!? You should be with those with real strength. Like us." one purred looking at me and Epsilon. I rolled my eyes and said "I'm the Sage of the region. It makes me very strong. These tribes are under my protection. Please leave." The other Tacs joined them and the total was 10 warriors. The leader chuckled at the overwhelming show of force and said "Listen here, human! You don't tell us what to do. We are the ones that are stronger and faster, so you do what we say. We are going to eat all of these Ynnubs here and then breed you to death. Understand!?" I scoffed and said "If you don't leave in 10 seconds, you are all dead." They called my bluff and started hissing and growling at me. I had my party deal with them. They did not have a chance to live after that. After they were dead, I had all of the Ynnub tribesmen loot the bodies. They had lots of gold and great hunting trophies on them.

I instructed them to use the goods for the betterment of the tribes. Eventually, an Elitper trader came by on a path to a village. His eye was caught by the huts erected by the expansion project. When he visited the black tribe, a few purchases could be made since they had some gold. They sent the trader over to the white tribe. Since they had the hunting trophies as well as more gold, the trader was more willing to give them things. He was not really planning on a trip to visit the Tacs, so it was a bonus to have some exotic goods. He went to the brown tribe, but it just devolved into him having sex with some of the members. There were no real things he wanted from them at the moment. It was fine to sell them some things, but that was it. When he finished, he said that he was going to come back again. That was actually a good thing. Us having a trade route meant that money and goods would start flowing in as long as we had things to trade when they got here. That just encouraged them to have some more adventures to help their tribe now. It was not just farming and fucking anymore.

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