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135. Rewards

134. Breeding

133. More Snakes

132. 6 Weapons

131. Natural

130. Looping

129. Encounter

128. Naming

127. Protectors

126. Towering

125. Accept It

124. Lance Quaid

123. Festival

122. Guardians Win

121. Guardians Vs Protectors 2

120. Attrition

119. Talking

118. Death Threat

117. Fraternal Order

116. Next Moves

The Benefits of Adventuring

avatar on 2024-09-12 18:44:59

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Being so high leveled even as a baby, it was harder to kill than one would expect. Ekans were generally level 30-35. The babies were level 74. The exp. for killing them shot them up really high. With the incredible bonuses that they gained, they became much stronger. So much so they got pretty tired. I told them to rest up. They were able level up well. I gathered them all together and said "Okay. I have helped you out and now you can go outside your tribes to explore. It you get into any harsh fights, you will have a better chance of surviving it. You can take the loot and bring it back to your tribes to make them bigger and stronger." They looked at me and then each other. I was not entirely sure that they got it. I let the others got for the day and told them to come back. When they left, I went inside to make 6 armor sets. The armor would be able to keep the Ynnub adventurers even safer. I went right to work and they were ready way before they came back the next day. When they came before us, we helped them into the armor. It took a while for the males. They all got very horny.

Catching them and keeping them still was one thing. Making them put on the armor was another. I rolled my eyes and waited for them to get together. Now that they had the armor and weapons, they could go. I told them to split up to see what they could find and bring back. They nodded and set out in different directions. The Protectors got back to work for the day and I left them to it. I was not let down when 5 of them came back with some loot a few days later. They had some gold and materials for magic items. I praised them a bit and told them to bring the loot to their tribe chiefs. "You deserve to have a breeding party thrown for you. You've earned it." I said. They seemed to enjoy that as they ran home. I was invited to the parties, but I declined. There was no way they were impregnating me. Epsilon was not interested in going to the tribes either. When they came to the tower to get us, we knew the jig was up. We were going to have to go. All of the protectors came with us. I made sure to inform them of possible danger. The adventurers were really enjoying breeding their pick.

I watched as they fucked their chosen member of their tribe. We talked to the black tribe first. I thought it would be a good gauge of the day. They tried hard to engage in conversation, but the fact that their fellow tribesmen were already fucking made it near impossible. Their libido was acting up and they nuzzled against us and purred. As this started to deteriorate we moved around to others. When they started to reach for us, we called it a day. There was no reason to have to fight them off. After giving a few of the leaders instructions to start expanding, we made sure they heard us by having them repeat it. We said a quick goodbye and moved over the white tribe. They were doing much better. The adventurers were breeding in a separate tent instead of in the open. This allowed for the others to keep their cool and hold longer and much better conversations. I made sure to remind them to expand their tribe. They nodded and some promised to get to work on it soon. With that we had to leave in order to attend the brown tribe's party. I was already dreading it. They all attacked us on sight.

Dismissing their party as a feral orgy would be unkind. However, that was exactly what it was. The ones at the edges left their already occupied partners to seek us out. I could see that their ovipositors were erect and already dripping precum on the ground. We dodged them until it got annoying. Then we just held them down so that they could not attack anymore. They were crying and begging as they struggled under us. They were powerless and I felt a bit bad for them. We ignored them and give them a set of instructions. They nodded and we let them go join the party again. Once that was done we went back to the tower. As time went on, they expanded their tribes for a small growth in population. More Ekans came around on their migratory routes. They ate a few of them before moving on. If they stayed in the area, I sent one of my Protectors to move them along. Sometimes, it ended up with the hostile demonoid getting pregnant. The babies were used to boost the newer tribesmen into warrior classes. A group of Tacs came over in a pack. Apparently, the white tribe was stealing.

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