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17. Outside

16. New Chances

15. The Troublemaker

14. The Principal's Office

13. In the Parking Lot

12. Language Lesson

11. Meanwhile... (Interlude)

10. Wednesday 3:47PM

9. Wednesday in the Hall with Zoe

8. Wednesday Morning

7. Tuesday 3:47PM

6. Back at the Mall

5. Making Sense

4. Karyn

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Karmic Family Swap: Outside

on 2024-08-31 19:17:36

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As 3:47PM hit, Susan McMillan had been a middle-aged blonde haired and beautiful socialite who looked much younger than she was. In the seconds following, she lost all of it. Susan had lived her entirely life trading on her looks, and dominating others. That wouldn't be possible now, as her nose was just a little out of proportion with the rest of her face. Her hair was a frizzy mess, and her complexion was no longer perfect. And the slight gap in her teeth didn't help either. Her clothes reformed into ones that didn't fit quite as well. Whether or not that was because they weren't designer or because of how awkward Susan was becoming remained to be seen. Susan went from coming to retrieve her daughter...and opportunistically gloating at Linda to being a fourteen year old focused on something very different.

Jon and his new sister headed out into the parking lot, needing to take the path along it to make their way out of the school and home.

Melony seemed popular, or at least friendly with many other girls, as people kept saying, "Hi" or "See you tomorrow" as they passed. It wasn't the shallow popularity of Sarah McMillan or the cheerleaders. It was just people seemed to generally like her. He wondered about that. Melony had been just as nice before...he hadn't interacted with her much...but had people been this friendly to her before? Was that subtle racism? The idea didn't comfort him. But he'd had several hard lessons since this wish started. And he was about to have a few more.

As Jon looked around, he realized that unlike yesterday, he was having trouble spotting girls, even with the changes, he recognized. Had the changes on top of previous changes made it harder? Or were they just moving too fast and there were too many people milling about for him to study their faces? There were also some parents around picking up their kids, both fathers and mothers. He didn't know everyone at school...but was starting to feel a bit overwhelmed by the lack of familiar faces.

"What's Mom doing here?" Melony asked.

"Maybe she got out of work early?" Jon said, turning in the direction Melony was looking and then freezing as he saw someone who was not Linda Madison walking toward them, his jaw dropping.

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