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16. New Chances

15. The Troublemaker

14. The Principal's Office

13. In the Parking Lot

12. Language Lesson

11. Meanwhile... (Interlude)

10. Wednesday 3:47PM

9. Wednesday in the Hall with Zoe

8. Wednesday Morning

7. Tuesday 3:47PM

6. Back at the Mall

5. Making Sense

4. Karyn

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Karmic Family Swap: New Chances

on 2024-08-26 01:20:44

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The entire school had changed in a matter of milliseconds...much more so than the previous day...more radically...due the infusion of new people compared to then. A new dynamic principal...for one, with some different ideas than her predecessor about how to run things.

Jon, for example, had no girlfriend before his wish...then the next day a very clingy girlfriend who kept him away from his other friends. With all the girls changing around...a lot of relationships changed, not just Jon's.

Melissa Smith had been a fashionista cheerleader who had been the best friend of the head cheerleader. Sarah McMillan was a toxic personality who had amplified the negative traits of those around her. As Melissa Black, she'd lacked that negative influence, but had still been a dominant and clingy sort.

One moment, 16 year old Melissa Black had been fantasizing about a special night with her boyfriend...the next minute, she was a short haired blonde with glasses...a Senior focused on her college future. Melissa had been given a new focus in life...well, at least for the next 24 hours. Beyond that remained to be seen. She walked past Jon, who was a stranger to her now. But he'd been virtually a stranger the day before.

"Hey, big bro," a voice said from behind Jon. "You want company walking home?" Jon turned to see his new sister. She seemed a very girl next door type. Brown hair...Cute enough...not Goth...seemingly perky....and he didn't recognize her at all.

"See you tomorrow, Melony," someone called.

Jon blinked, and then squinted. No wonder he hadn't recognized her. Melony Tyne...Melony was always upbeat...he didn't know her that well, but she was friendly enough with everyone that he knew her despite barely knowing her. And now...she seemed pretty much the same...just now his sister. "Umm...sure."

Jon wondered about that. Melony seemed the same...when he'd seen Zoe yesterday, she'd been pretty crabby. It seemed like people still remained somewhat themselves...despite new lives. But could he count on that?

They headed out into the parking lot.

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