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93. Zoe Aware

92. Wish made in despair

91. Jon gets Karyn Wilmingham alon

90. Wilmingham Visit

89. Stephanie And Zoe

88. Laura's New Life

87. Concerned Parents

86. Jon finishes things at the Bre

85. Tiffany's Mom

84. But Jon doesn't know what the

83. My 600 Pound Life

82. To the Brewers' house

81. Relief And Hope

80. Jon gets even more depressed

79. Sarah's Performance

78. Jon Nguyen's grandfather

77. Wider Consequences

76. The Kims Go Out To Dinner

75. Lessons From Jon

74. Jon and The Kim Girls

Family Swap: Zoe Aware

on 2024-08-25 21:59:07
Episode last modified by Nobody14 on 2024-08-26 02:55:51

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At the Brewer house Zoe had her laptop resting on her breasts as she did some writing for her next story. The experience with Jon had ignited her imagination, and she felt the need to write some of her fantasies before she forgot them. She had always been a proponent of body acceptance in her stories, and this real life scenario begged to be written down. Two former lovers separated by expectations witnessing a love bloom between their children, one resisting while the other supports them from the shadows. It truly had everything her readers could want.

"It's been a while since I've felt so inspired." Zoe mused to herself.

"You've been writing nonstop since Jon left." Chrissy giggled from nearby where she was watching a movie while eating with her sisters.

"Are you thinking up a plan to help me snag him?" Marie inquired hopefully.

In truth Zoe had been lost in thought regarding the direction of her story as she wrote an outline. It was the way Jon had looked at her before he had left. A forbidden May December romance between a younger man with the world at his fingertips and a married woman of a proper size to show him true pleasure was enticing. The drama if her daughter found out, not to mention Stephanie. It was salacious and delectable.

Of course that would be written for Zoe's eyes only. The public would get a more socially acceptable story where one of her daughters beat out the competition to claim him. It was a story better left in her imagination and a secret file she could reread at her leisure. Of course, if Jon made a strong move she wouldn't mind feeling young once more.

Zoe did wonder if Marie would come out on top, or lose to one of her siblings who were coming around to Jon's charms. He had been the talk of the night ever since he had left.

"Well, I-" Zoe began before a pounding headache came on. Her laptop fell as her hand immediately went to her head.

"Mom! Are you okay?" Marie scrambled over to her side.

"Are you alright mommy?" Chrissy joined her, Betty not far behind.

"I'm.... I'm okay girls. Just a sudden migraine. Could you get me an asprin and some water?" Zoe shooed her children away for the moment.

Once they left her alone for the time being Zoe looked down at herself. How unbelievably obese she had become. The size of her enormous pale breasts. The gigantic rolls of belly blubber resting over her lap. Every inch of her swaddled in fat.

"Damn it Jon!" Zoe couldn't help the fact a part of her loved this. She wasn't sure if it was entirely because she still had memories of living life as Zoe Brewer, but a part of her still loved being this blob. A part of her even thought more women should experience this.

What would the world be like if fat women were the norm? Waddling down the street, or so big adjustments were made to have scooters carry them?

Zoe shook her head to put those thoughts away, at least for now.

She knew who her children had once been. She knew she was supposed to be Jon's little sister and not even have kids.

"I guess he must feel some guilt at least." Zoe thought of their encounter again with the new context. At least in her case his lingering gaze must have been because he was taking in what had happened to her.

"Can't believe you're such a fucking moron." She growled angrily, but sighed as she thought what he must be going through.

"You're lucky this wish made me more mature or I'd kill you. I might settle for letting me sit on you with all this blubber. It's the least you could do to make it up to me "Big Brother."" Zoe patted her belly.

She was upset, but wanted to see Jon. She knew what was happening to people thanks to his boneheaded wish, but she didn't know how he was doing. She also knew the wish was likely to get worse before it got better, and he could use some help before he ended up going crazy.

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