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26. Burlington charges in

25. Faculty to the rescue

24. Athena Tries to Stand Up But F

23. Athena Comes Around

22. The Door Is Unlocked

21. Paul Becomes a "Himbo"

20. One of the Students Attacks At

19. Just Stay Away From the First-

18. Bimbo Karyn

17. Cowgirl Zoe

16. A Third Different One - Zoe Gi

15. Athena DeVries Tries to Stop N

14. Nadine Creates Five New Goths

13. Nadine Wants to Touch People,

12. Nadine Touches Lucy and She Be

11. One of the Aides Stops Nadine

10. Goth Nadine

9. Another Different One - Nadine

8. Biff Gets "Ghettoized"

7. Biff Touches Sarah and Then Ch

Strange Change Agents: Burlington's big mistake

on 2024-08-24 01:51:15

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Before Campbell or Coach Berry could stop him, Coach Mark Burlington charged into the cafeteria.

He was surrounded by a large group of Lake Point High School students who had been transformed into people completely unlike their previous selves. This included the ones who were causing the changes.

Nadine Ferguson was normally an uptight Christian prudish girl. But now she was a strange Goth who was turning other people into Goths with her touch.

Zoe, meanwhile, was SUPPOSED to be a Goth. But now, she was dressed like she could hang around with Clyde Meehan (the only country music fan among Lake Point's students), and resembled a cowgirl.

Sarah McMillan was part of one of the richest and most influential families in town. Her father Richard McMillan made a great deal of money running McMillan Tech Industries. But now she was dressed like someone from the ghetto.

And then there was average girl Karyn Black, who now looked like a total bimbo.

And all of these people were turning others into people like them with a touch. Anyone Nadine touched turned into a Goth, anyone Sarah touched became ghetto, anyone Zoe touched became country, and anyone Karyn touched turned into a bimbo.

"All right! You think you're so tough doin' your lameass magic voodoo-whatever spells!" Burlington growled. "We'll I'm gonna punish you. I'm gonna beat you all into shape until you turn my players back or else..."

At this point, several of the transformed were approaching him, and closest to Burlington were the four Changers: Nadine, Zoe, Sarah, and Karyn. Each of them reached out with their hands, trying to grab the hotheaded coach.

Over at the door, Felicia Barry and Mr. Campbell watched in fearful fascination, ready to rush out and close the cafeteria door behind them at a moment's notice. They'd yet to hear of what might happen if someone got touched by two or more of the Changers at once.

But as the Changers each reached for Burlington, it was clear at least two of the four were going to touch him simultaneously.

What would happen?

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