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93. A New Arrival?

92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

The Workmen: A New Arrival?

avatar on 2024-08-23 11:47:06
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2024-08-25 19:30:11

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Jon arrived at the meeting spot that morning with no sign of Tina. He couldn’t remember a day that he had worked into school on his own. He had always had the company of Karyn or more recently Tina. He had noticed that something had been off with her when he had last seen her. That had been in what he had started thinking of as the long time. He knew that for everyone else a second had passed but for him it was an unknown amount of time.

This had been happening for almost a week now and not much had changed. He still had not got his sister back, he had spent that time living with Sarah as his sister. Everyone treated her as if she had always been his sister even his mom. His mom had to go to work early that morning for some reason. That was what the note he had found had said anyway. Not that this was unusual for her.

What was unusual was Sarah she had caught him and Tina heading out to follow the gray men but rather than ask him all sorts of questions about it when he had got back she had gone to bed. This morning she still had not asked him anything but she was looking at him differently but he didn’t push her on it.

He walked through the school gates that morning after waiting a little more for Tina who still didn’t show up. He knew that she had made it back to the Black's home but for some reason, she hadn’t shown up so far this morning. He decided he needed to find out why. True she wasn’t his friend in the same way that Karyn was but at the moment she was the closest thing he had.

He made his way through the teacher's car park and noticed that the space that had been the old deputy principal’s well that was until Mr Saunders had passed away at the start of the year. “I guess it was only a matter of time before we got a new one.” As he voiced his thoughts out loud.

“Yeah, it was I suppose it was.” Came a voice he knew well. It came from Stephanie Wright one of Zoe’s original friends before she had become Zoe Shepard that was.

“Any ideas what they are like?” Jon asked her.

“None at all but they can’t be as bad as old man Saunders. Better get going for class I would hate to meet them on their first day. You know what I mean.” Stephanie said as she turned and ran inside the building.

Jon knew full well what she had meant and followed suit. He didn’t get too far when he almost ran into someone he didn’t know in the corridor

“Young man no running in the halls.” Came the reply.

“Sorry Miss, I don’t want to be late for class.” Jon tried as an excuse for the running.

“I will let you off with a warning this time as I have not officially started at the moment.” The woman told him.

At once Jon realized that this was the new deputy principal. “Thank you, Miss.” He said trying to get back on the new teacher's good side.

“That’s Ms. Ms Katherine Gutfreund. You had better be on your way so you don’t have to run again.” Ms Gutfreund said to him.

“Yes Ms,” Jon said as he turned to head to his first class of the day. He made it to the end of the hall and thought that the arrival of the new teacher may not be as innocent as it usually was so he took out his phone and took her picture. He checked the time to make sure that he would not be late for the class and opened the app that Tina had, had the idea for. He really must thank her for that.

He loaded the picture he had just taken it showed,

A woman in a gray suit jacket and skirt standing in a hallway looking down the hall. She had dark hair and was wearing glasses. She was holding a black purse and had a serious expression on her face. The hallway is empty with light coming in from the windows. The woman gave an overall feeling of professionalism and authority.

Under the picture, The layout was similar to the last time he had opened it.

It read Katherine Gutfreund. Age 40. For more information click next.
Jon went to click the option

It showed a picture that Jon knew only too well. A picture of A young woman with bright red hair and a warm smile sitting on some stone steps, radiating happiness and a sense of calm. The subject of the picture was wearing a very familiar green knitted sweater and blue pants. Her bright, green eyes sparkle with life and joy.

The details came up on the screen not that Jon needed to look as he had been the one to take the picture that came up but he looked to confirm his fears.

The information had been replaced with what he knew it would. It read Karyn Black. Age 17. Jon tried to pointlessly save the information on his screen only to be met with the same bold message that he had been the last time he had tried to save Julie’s information. This information can not be saved

He knew that he would not be able to write it down either not that he was likely to forget what had found out. She had shown no sign of recognition when she had spoken to him a few minutes before. He didn’t want to admit it he had lost her to whatever was happening. Now he didn’t need to find her as he knew where she was, he needed to get her back to being herself.


A lone figure walked through to another room in their empty home and picked up the ringing phone. She could tell from the number on the display who was calling.

“Have you completed what I asked of you Dr.?” She asked

Down the phone line, the voice told her that they had.

“Very good. Now I am one step closer to removing those two children from my life and you are one step closer to returning to your old life Dr.” She told Dr. Schreber before hanging up the phone.

At the other end of the line and not for the first time Dr. Daniel P. Schreber wondered how he had gotten himself into this situation. He just hoped that the steps he had taken to help out young Jon would help not only the boy but Daniel just as long as he wasn’t caught.

“Good luck Mr Madison you are going to need it.” The doctor said to an empty office.

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