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92. Meanwhile

91. Karyn Returns

90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

The Workmen: Meanwhile

avatar on 2024-08-23 11:39:04
Episode last modified by The Guest on 2024-09-17 20:47:32

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Lydia entered the warehouse and her things were put away, she was brought into a laboratory. "Once a schoolteacher," the figure standing over her commented, starting work, "such a noble selfless profession. But...none of that going forward."

Dr. Schreber read the clipboard in his hands once more and looked down at Lydia, “I am sorry, so sorry. I wish there was something I could do to change what is about to happen but I can’t. Take her to room 5.” He said to one of the blue-clad men at either end of the hospital trolley as he went on to examine the next one.

“He was there again.” Came a voice from the corner of a dark room.

“We won’t need to worry about him for much longer.” Came the reply.

“And why would that be my dear Denise?” The first voice.

“I thought we weren’t to use our names here, Susan,” Denise said with a look that would have killed the other woman if it could.

“There is no one here but us at the moment. She hasn’t arrived yet.” Susan Macmillan told her.

“She is never here on time,” Denise informed Susan.

“Ironic isn’t it when we have a device which can stop time and she still can’t be here when she is supposed to be. Anyway, what do you mean about not having to worry about the boy anymore?” Susan asked.

“I have put a plan in motion that should keep him out of our hair. I have activated the programming in the Shepherd girl.” Denise told her.

“Do you not mean the Black girl,” Susan said with a smile that almost showed her true nature.

“Whoever, She will now report back to us about what he is doing and he won’t know anything about it.” Denise went on to say.

“Very clever. I believe that the redhead has finally been reset and returned to the town.” Susan said as she looked at the screen in front of her.

“Yes, just today. Denise said

“Won’t he be surprised when he sees her again?” Susan said.

“If he can recognize her,” Denise said as the two women left the room laughing together.

“Why do I have to work with children? The sooner they are out of my hair the better. After all these years I can finally leave this town and the life that my husband expects of me. All because of my father. I bet he never thought his wedding gift would ever lead to this.” Cane the voice from the corner of the room. Little did Susan and Denise realize that the woman they had been waiting for was standing in the room with them.

She had spent too many years sitting in the background not getting noticed that she found it useful to use that skill in dealing with Susan Macmillan & Denise Brewster. Much like her husband had they underestimated her. She had already decided to them make pay for their mistake in doing so. She just needed to wait a little longer until the tests that they were conducting were finished. Which she knew would not be much longer.


Jon and Tina were heading back to their respective homes.

“See you at school Jon Boy,” Tina shouted after him.

“Yeah see you at school.” He shouted back.

Tina Black entered her house knowing that soon her Mom would be back where she belonged. All that she had to do to get her back was to spy on her best friend could she do it? She looked at the clock at saw that it was 4.02 am. She knew in her head it had taken them longer than two minutes to get back but she wasn’t bothered by that. She now knew her mother’s name. She wondered what her real mother was like. She would know soon. Soon would meet Athena Black and all she had to do was to spy on her best friend. She went back to her bed to try and get some sleep before school in the morning.

Jon entered his house a few minutes after Tina had. He would have to come up with some excuse for Sarah. He knew that she wasn’t his sister but he had to treat her as if she was for the moment. To his surprise, she was not standing where she had been left standing. Surely they couldn’t have taken her. No, whoever they were they had planted her in that life so why would they take her out of it now?

He slowly went up the stairs and saw the door to his sister's room slightly a jar. Yes, it was his sister's room. It had been Zoe’s room when she had been his sister but now Sarah was living that life for some reason unknown to him. So it was still his sister's room just not Sarah’s room. He peaked in and saw her lying there in bed fast asleep. For her and everyone in the town, it had only been a few minutes since he had left her standing in the sitting room. Not as he had known it two to three hours.

If she was back in bed somehow he didn’t need to deal with her at the moment he could deal with her later. It gave him more time to work out what to tell her. His mind then turned to Tina. He had to admit that he hadn’t known her that long but for some reason, she was acting strange tonight. He thought he had gotten to know her fairly well in the last few days or was that just because she reminded him so much of Karyn? He wasn’t sure. He could see so much of his friend in her was that why he trusted her. Perhaps he thought and what of Karyn she had been missing for days now. Was she still in the warehouse or was she somewhere else in the town? He knew that the app that Tina had thought up could help find her but it had its limitations. Only three uses in one day was a big one. He was sure that he would find her no matter what they did to her. Then he thought about what he had seen at the Meshida house. Given a couple of days then Mrs Meadows would look like she had always been part of that family so would he be able to know Karyn if he saw her? Maybe, no he had to. She would know how to fix this mess, especially with everything he had learned since she had ….

With that thought running around his head Jon’s head hit the pillow and almost as soon as it did he was asleep. He was only human after all and the human body could only go so long without rest.

A short time later Jon heard his alarm go off and he knew it was time to get ready for the school day ahead and what it would bring.

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