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10. The New Harris Girl

9. Family expectations

8. Meeting the Mother and Brother

7. Rei tries to calm herself

6. Turning Japanese

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: The New Harris Girl

on 2024-08-15 01:00:22

287 hits, 56 views, 3 upvotes.

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"Are you making a call or not?" Kamiko said expectantly.

Not wanting to make the situation worse Rei walked over, dialed her old number and mentally prepared for what might come next. She felt a bit nervous about what she'd find out.

Finally, a female voice with a heavy accent she found hard to understand answered...oh, yeah, that was how she heard English now. She'd almost forgotten. "Hello?" The voice said. She didn't recognize it...but she didn't recognize herself either.

"Is are a student at Lake Point High School?"

"Who is this?"

"I also attend Lake Point. Can we meet tomorrow at school? I must speak to you."

"No, seriously, who is this?" The voice asked.

What was the harm? "Rei Meshida. Can we meet?"

"What about?"

"It will be very quick," Rei promised, noticing Kamiko was watching her.

"Fine. I eat breakfast before first. You can meet me in the cafeteria."

"Arigato gozaimasu....Thank you" Rei found herself saying.

The line disconnected.

On the other side of town, in the Harris apartment, a fourteen year old girl looked at the phone. "Weird," she remarked.

Kamiko looked at her. "What was that about?"

"One of my classmates, Mother," Rei said, finding the formal language of speaking to one's parents strangely easy to slip into, versus the casual way she'd spoken to Tommy. "I wish to speak to them about an assignment. They invited me to meet them before class in the school cafeteria."

Kamiko nodded. "That is acceptable. You can get up early to assist me in preparing breakfast, and then head to this meeting at school." She was sure her husband would not object if this was a meeting about classwork and her duties were completed.

"Thank you, Mother."

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