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9. Family expectations

8. Meeting the Mother and Brother

7. Rei tries to calm herself

6. Turning Japanese

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: Family Expectations

on 2024-08-14 19:27:32
Episode last modified by Nobody14 on 2024-08-14 20:56:37

272 hits, 50 views, 4 upvotes.

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"Mother," It felt odd to be so formal with a parent, but Rei could tell there would only be problems if she acted strangely. Luckily the first interaction with Tommy made her aware of how to address her new parents. "may I be excused to make a phone call?"

"You may not." Kamiko responded quickly. "Your father will be home any moment, and we will greet him properly once he arrives."

Rei groaned internally. She had heard about strict upbringings, but this was truly old fashioned. She knew different cultures had different values, but this atmosphere seemed from a time long past.

'Is this how I'll have to live from now on? My every move strictly regimented?' Rei thought, hoping this was not the case.

Rei couldn't help thinking of The Wizard Of Oz and other stories about learning how to appreciate what you have. It was probably too naive to assume learning a lesson would send her back to her old life though.

Riiiiinnng Riiiiiinnnng

Rei and Kamiko's attention turned to a phone mounted to the wall. Rei feared her assessment about not having a smartphone may be true after witnessing the landline.

Kamiko hurried over and answered. Rei had the feeling Kamiko did not want to keep the person on the other end waiting from the look on her face.

"Meshida residence." Kamiko spoke briefly. She listened for several moments before replying again. "I understand. Your work is very important. I will heat your dinner when you return home."

"Father is working late?" Tommy asked after his mother hung up.

"He will return in a few hours. He does not believe it will be an all nighter." Kamiko responded.

"In that case, would it be alright for me to make that call mother?" Rei decided to take advantage of the situation.

"Be quick about it." Kamiko sighed.

The matriarch wanted her children to become accustomed to American schools and culture, but feared them changing too quickly. Rei was still a teenager, always well behaved but liable to enter a rebellious phase without a steady hand. She needed friends, but Kamiko did not want American girls to corrupt her daughter.

Kamiko moved away from the landline and looked to her daughter expectantly. That was all the confirmation Rei needed that she would be going without some luxuries she was used to.

Rei wondered if it was worth making the call now. Even if she called her old phone her new mother seemed ready to watch her like a hawk.

"Are you making a call or not?" Kamiko said expectantly.

Not wanting to make the situation worse Rei walked over, dialed her old number and mentally prepared for what may come next.

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