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6. Barbie

5. Part 2

4. Prelude to a Family Swap

3. Random family swaps

2. You know all those branches wh

1. You Are What You Wish

Barb's Family Swap: Barbie

on 2024-08-13 00:22:53

395 hits, 88 views, 2 upvotes.

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Suddenly, from Barb's perspective, a glowing light surrounded her vision. And when it cleared...she was standing by the door she'd just exited. "What the hell?" She said. But it barely got out of her mouth before she felt a tingling all every inch of her body.

Barb wasn't unattractive, but she wasn't particularly feminine in how she dressed. So, she was surprised to see her t-shirt rising up as her assets beneath it grew. Her black t-shirt turned into a tight top above increasingly perfect flat stomach. It felt like every part of her outfit was getting tighter and shorter. The changes continued, as her jeans shrunk so she could see increasingly fit legs.

Finally, the tingling stopped, and the glow faded. Barb stumbled a bit. "What was that?"

She heard the sound of someone coming up the stairs from the locker room. She spotted another teenage girl approaching her.

She was about to ask what was going on, before the door she was standing by opened, and someone in black nearly bumped into her. "Sorry."

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