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316. Switching

315. Unappreciated

314. Business

313. Revelation

312. New Trick

311. Erosion Clan

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

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avatar on 2024-08-04 17:48:52

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Just like with the AEP unit from Electric Clan, Brett ensured that 08-001 would release some of his synthetic cum every so often. For 08-001, it was every 12 strokes. For the others, it was more frequent. The first time that it happened, Brett stopped thrusting and said "Damn. You came already!? Do you want me to ease up on you for a bit or can we keep going?" 08-003 was shocked at the display. "You really didn't have to do all of that, 08-001. It is only going to feed this stupid human's ego." 08-001 only shook his head and said "I didn't intend to release anything! It must have been a malfunction." He was flustered by this happening to him. It was not in his control, so he was internally freaking out. 08-003 pointed and laughed. "Hahaha! You were so sure about doing this for him earlier. You even teased him about premature ejaculation. I can't believe this. What's your excuse!?" he mocked his sibling. 08-001 had not a single response. All he could do was drop his head in shame. Even so, Brett was not done. "Can I keep it going!?" he asked, acting totally oblivious to what was happening.

Neither of them suspected him. In their minds as AEP units and as members of the Conqueror faction, there was no way that a human could tamper with them without an android at their side. Especially not without them both noticing and counteracting any attempts. Even if a human tried to hack into them, they would only fail. "Fine! Finish up so I can flush it out!" Brett began fucking 08-001 in earnest. In the course of a single minute, Brett had made the cyborg cum at least 7 times. 08-001 could not feel pleasure from the act without the specific sexual upgrades. Still, he was an intelligent lifeform. Even after running a big self diagnosis and manually attempting to clamp down on his internal synthetic cum tanks, he could not help but blow a load. Not only was the malfunction alien to him, he was embarrassing himself in front of 2 humans and 08-003. Speaking of the other cyborg, he was furious. He grabbed 08-001 by the jaw and said "What are you doing!? I told you to stop that." 08-001 was still being fucked, so it was only a matter of time before more splashed onto the eggshell sheets.

Only so much could be tolerated by the AEP unit. He grabbed Brett by the shoulders and yanked him back. Brett yelped in surprise as he was forced out of 08-001. The cyborg being fucked was totally out of sorts. He did not know what to do. 08-003 forced Brett down onto his stomach. "Hey!! What the hell are you doing!?" the human demanded. "We already know that you are bisexual and don't mind being the receiving partner. Since 08-001 is in a state where he is malfunctioning badly. I will take you on for now." 08-003 hissed. Brett looked at him and then relaxed. He was in it for the experiences. If he was going to get his mind fucked out of him, he was down for it. I knew this already. He was a simple guy. The nanites making up 08-003's clothes melded into him until he appeared naked. He then got on top of Brett and pressed down on his center of gravity. "After the shame you witnessed from 08-001, I'm not letting you up until you can't remember your own name, let alone what happened here, got it, slut?" He said as his cock sprayed lube all over Brett's hole and crack. Brett smirked.

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