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315. Unappreciated

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313. Revelation

312. New Trick

311. Erosion Clan

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

Not One for Foreplay

avatar on 2024-08-04 17:47:32

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Watching Brett go at it with 08-003 beside me was crazy. I was noticing a distinct pattern with him though. He liked putting Conqueror faction AEP units in their place. All of them were haughty, entitled and misanthropic. Taking them where they were and making them submit in sex made him feel like a god. Brett got behind him on the bed and started dry humping him for show. Rubbing and playfully smacking his ass was how he started. The pair of AEP units were not amused. "Just get naked and rut inside me already! I want to get this over with." 08-001 said over his shoulder. "Stop making fun of us! You think we care about a human penis. We could make you both climax instantly. Fucking get on with it already." Brett smirked and lowered his pants slowly to build some tension. He was already hard. The attention was going straight to both of his heads. He was such a pervert when he wanted to be. Brett lowered the waistband of his purple boxer briefs and then started massaging 08-001's ass. "You are going to love it. I already know." he said. 08-001 scoffed and said "Not at all likely."

Shaking his hips teasingly, 08-001 said "You still aren't putting it inside me!? Are you getting nervous, human? I bet you're worried about premature ejaculation. Humans I see in your position often can't handle how good it can feel to mate with those that are better them." It was clear that he was getting tired of waiting. "You might as well get it over with. He will wring you dry either way without blinking." 08-003 teased. Brett just smiled. "I'm just thinking how good it's going to be when you are busting load after load." "You can dream about it all you want. It's never going to happen." 08-001 said dismissively. Brett leaned forward and said "You were a guest in our clan. I can't treat you like 12-001 or the other AEP units I've fucked. I actually want to take this slow and make sure you enjoy it." The AEP unit in question rolled his eyes. I saw he was over this. "There is a mouthy human breathing on my anus, pretending like we're equals. You don't have the right to be here and you really don't have the parts to satisfy me. I already hate all of this." he whined. Brett held him by the hips and began.

First up, he began eating out the Conqueror AEP. Both 08-001 and 08-003 were insulted and very upset by that. "What the hell are you doing to him? Don't get all of your nasty human slobber on him!" 08-003 demanded as he stomped over to the bed. I saw as he began to engage his AEP organ. I ran over and grabbed him from behind. I quickly said "He's just doing foreplay! Remember when we had sex? It's not just penetration. You have to lubricate the area first to prevent pain from intense friction." "Do you know how many filthy bacteria you stupid humans have in your mouths at any given time!?" 08-001 remarked as he shuddered from revulsion. Brett was still working away. 08-003 let out a sigh and said "If you wanted me to self lubricate my anus for your rutting, all you had to do was ask me. We are better than you in every way. Now get your tongue out of me!" Brett complied with the demand. He was holding to his word of treating 08-001 better than the others. Sure enough, fluid began to pearl out his tight asshole. "Give me some time to flush all your saliva out of me." 08-001 said.

Eventually, 08-001 said "I've finally rid myself of your shitty DNA." Brett chuckled and said "Yeah, but I am just going to pour a lot more in you." 08-001 scoffed. "You don't have enough in your puny testicles to compete with my lubrication tanks. Every single sperm cell will be flushed out." he said. It was finally time to get on with it. Brett slapped his cock against the cyborg's ass cheek. "I'm ready if you are." he said as he began lining himself up with the pink asshole in front of him.08-001 just groaned in frustration. "That's what we've been telling you the whole time." Even I was starting to get tired of waiting for this to happen. "C'mon. Stop wasting everyone's time. Paul's outside and I still want my turn." I said, annoyance seeping through my words. Brett finally got the message and grabbed 08-001 by the hip as he pressed himself inside the waiting AEP unit. He went slowly but steadily to make sure that he got himself all the way in. Once he had fully hilted, he sighed with contentment. "Fucking AEP units is the best thing ever!!" he remarked with a happy smile. 08-003 glared at him harshly.

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