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312. New Trick

311. Erosion Clan

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

Reuniting with 08-003

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:44:16

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People were amazed and began to clap. He dropped the ball back into the hat and then turned it over. Nothing fell out. More affirmations came from the crowd before he took a bow and placed the hat back on his head. "Thank you very much for watching my performance. That was my last trick and I'm glad that I got to do this. Usually something would happen to interrupt the show." he said. That caused a somber mood to spread among the people as they slowly dispersed. To them, this probably was like an oasis in a sea of violence and madness. Little did they know that 08-001 was one of the main causes of the madness. When everyone was gone, 08-001 smirked at us. "So you finally showed up here. I was wondering when you would interfere with us." I looked at him and frowned. He blinked and crossed his arms in defiance. "I told you 3 to go straight home without any detours. How did you get involved in this war?" I scolded. He scoffed and said "We don't have to listen to you. You are not part of our clan. Even then, you are a human. Of course we would disregard it." Very true.

Now that the streets were clear, we could see that 08-003 was leaning on a division on the edge of the sidewalk. He was overseeing the crowd the whole time. If a threat appeared or something happened, 08-003 probably would have stopped it before it affected 08-001's magic show. I approached 08-003. His eyes scanned me up and down, but he said nothing. "Did Jake not teach you any magic tricks like he did with 08-001? You could have been his assistant." I asked. The red headed AEP unit rolled his eyes. "Of course he taught me magic tricks. He gave birth to all of us and cares for us all deeply." he said as if it was a dumb question. I then asked why he was not putting on a show. He just frowned at me. It seemed that I was starting to really annoy him. "Why should I play around with you humans!? Their senses are so flawed, we can do anything that we want in front of them with enough misdirection." 08-001 did magic shows a whole lot. I wondered what 08-001 thought about it. Before I could really ask him about it, I heard 08-003's voice behind me. I looked over my shoulders.

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