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311. Erosion Clan

310. Moving On

309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

Street Magic Show

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:42:49

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Finally, we were free to actually explore. We also got a bit of exp. for this. It seemed this was part of a questline. Certainly, getting marching orders from Sonic Clan and fully taking their side in the war was an option we could take. The same could be said for the military. We knew the name of the major and we had some new tech and big information that could definitely help out the soldiers on the front lines. That was if we wanted to follow leads and do a more organized campaign here. There actually was nothing to say we had to. It was the main selling point of the game. Fucking around and simply messing with Electric Clan, Exterminus, and Phobia would also be pretty funny. I could definitely see Paul, Brett and I doing that. It would be fun. Walking up and trolling them on sight could be entertaining. It was all up to us now. We walked out of the shed and down the path we walked to get over here until we returned to the lot that we were all fighting in. The police had never arrived. The western quadrant was an active war zone. The police had been subsumed in the full military.

As we walked around we seemed to run into a crowd. It was group of people looking at a street performance. We pushed through to see who it was. I was not really that surprised to see that 08-001 was the one performing. He was doing a rather impressive magic show. His eyes scanned the crowd and saw us. 08-001 looked confident and ready for his next trick. "Alright. I am going to need a brave volunteer for my next trick." he said before pointing right at us. "How about one of you 3 here!?" he asked us. The 3 of us were game. Brett walked up to him and the crowd clapped and cheered in anticipation. "Can you tell us your name, good sir?" he asked. Brett gave his name to the crowd. The clapped politely for him. Now it was time to hear the trick that 08-001 wanted to pull off. He pulled out a deck of cards. He demonstrated them to the crowd playfully. "Pick a card. Any card." he offered with a smile on his face. It was then that Brett picked one. 08-001 covered his eyes and said "Feel free to display the card to the crowd." Brett showed it was the Jack of spades. He then returned it.

08-001 blindly shuffled the deck and shook hands with Brett. "Thank you for being a helpful volunteer. I know it can be really nerve wracking the first time." he said. Brett nodded his head and said "Of course. Thank you for the shot." Everyone in the crowd clapped more. Paul and I joined in. picked the card he thought was correct. "Is this your card!?" he asked holding up the Queen of Hearts. Brett just smirked and shook his head. "Nope, that's wrong." he said. 08-001 smiled and pointed at Brett's sleeve very confidently. "You know what, I think you might not have actually given me your card." Brett furrowed his brow as he pulled the Queen of Hearts. The crowd was amazed and 08-001 took a bow. It was an amazing trick. He then called Paul forward and let him introduce himself. He took the magician's hat on top of his head. "Can you feel around and inside the hat to show that there is nothing in it for me and the crowd please?" he asked. Paul did an exaggerated show of feeling in the hat, turning it over and shaking it. It was empty. 08-001 took back their hat and pulled a ball out.

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