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309. Trolling

308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

Having a Bit of Fun

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:18:14

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Finally, we were free to actually explore. We also got a bit of exp. for this. It seemed this was part of a questline. Certainly, getting marching orders from Sonic Clan and fully taking their side in the war was an option we could take. The same could be said for the military. We knew the name of the major and we had some new tech and big information that could definitely help out the soldiers on the front lines. That was if we wanted to follow leads and do a more organized campaign here. There actually was nothing to say we had to. It was the main selling point of the game. Fucking around and simply messing with Electric Clan, Exterminus, and Phobia would also be pretty funny. I could definitely see Paul, Brett and I doing that. It would be fun. Walking up and trolling them on sight could be entertaining. It was all up to us now. We walked out of the shed and down the path we walked to get over here until we returned to the lot that we were all fighting in. The police had never arrived. The western quadrant was an active war zone. The police had been subsumed in the full military.

Brett and Paul wanted to go around trolling. I smirked. There was only so long that the 2 of them could play things seriously. When you make yourself practically gods in the game, there was no real challenge for them. The whole game was an open sandbox anyway. There was no real way to play. If you wanted to fight everyone and everything, you could. You would either be the strongest in the world or some punk that gets squashed by the truly strong Players. Alternatively, you could just play it like a massive dating sim. Going up to NPCs that you thought were cute and just flirting with them until they wanted to date and maybe fuck you could be a thrill. Doing some of the most mundane jobs on offer and doing extraordinary in it for roleplay purposes had some communities online. If Paul and Brett wanted to use their powers to just troll people and NPCs, that was fine. We just had to avoid a run in with the Sages on the various servers. They would not allow hackers and ban them from the game. If I had my way, I would keep doing what I was doing now. Having fun with all the NPCs.

Ready to do a bit of trolling, we began walking around. I wanted to know where we could find some enemies to mess with. Looking around, I saw a van with the dark red little Phobia syndicate logo on it. That was our enemy. I pointed it out to them and they followed my finger. Paul just smirked and said "Watch this!" he then ran in front of it and let it hit him. The people on the van all got out to check on him. "Fuck! Are you okay, man!?" the driver asked. Paul put on a pained expression. "Ow. I think I broke my toes." he said. "Shit! You ran in front of me. That isn't my fault." he said very nervously. He did not want this to reflect badly on him or his syndicate. This was him on the job. Syndicates were the criminal variants of corporations. You really did not want authorities to look into them. Paul cried out in pain and other people began to look around the situation. Brett and I went over and joined in the fray. "Oh my fucking goodness! Did you see all that Brett!? That van swerved and hit that guy in the middle of the street." I screamed. Brett also yelled loudly about the injustice. It was very crazy.

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