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308. Released

307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

Finished With 11-002

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:14:58

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11-002 agreed with me. "It could get dicey if one of us ever got captured by these syndicates." he admitted. I used my mini-EMP once here. If I used it continuously and at a point blank range, the AEP units would not stand a chance. It was already powerful enough to kill every single PEP and PEA in its range. Spamming pulses would keep them down long enough to allow for one of the stronger probe androids to totally break through their defenses and hack all the information out of them. This was a liability all the Researcher and Advocate AEP units had to be aware of. Our clan had a lot too. I got on my phone and called up Wind Clan. Something did not sit right with me now. The leader did not have the mini-EMP, but he seemed to know what was going on. He even knew enough about it to call in the probe androids. "Something our fellow syndicates have found out through trial and error is that through sending certain signals, their nanites will involuntarily configure a separate panel inside their bodies. A back door." he had said. The only AEP to have be kidnapped was 06-003.

Worrying was an understatement for how I felt. When I got through to them, I told them all about the secret back door and the possibility that 06-003 was compromised. I could tell that they were not taking the news seriously. "I am not saying to turn hostile on him, but you need to do a deep scan on his systems and make sure that no tampering had been done to have him under the influence or eye of Titron!" I stressed to them. "I understand the deep concern you have for 06-003. You personally went to rescue him. We are very grateful for that massive service to us and have not forgotten it. We are still running out flowering event, so it may have to wait." the leader said. I yelled "Don't wait! Don't you see that this is literally the best time to strike the Advocate faction. Everyone is distracted and 06-003 is probably unguarded. Call him in now and run the tests on him!" The leader now seemed to be moved to urgency from my words. "Of course! We will bring him in right away and run rigorous scans of his operating systems in the AEP lab." their clan engineer assured me. It was good.

Making sure all the Advocates were informed took time. 11-002 was watching me call each and every one of them. Void Clan was surly and did not like me, but they took the news seriously. All of them already knew of the danger of the mini-EMP. None of them had come up with any countermeasures as of yet. Thinking on it, that would probably be right up the Researcher's alley. I had been forbidden from telling them about it. The cat was out of the bag now. 11-002 was going to tell his clan. Sonic Clan would more than likely inform Impact Clan about this. They were the other Researcher faction clan. 11-002 looked at the remaining 2 probe androids before deploying his own AEP organ. He blasted them with a soundwave that did critical damage. He then pounced and did some ground and pound action to kill the first one. For the second one, he took one of the enforcer's guns and shot it in the chest for a massive destructive effect. He looked satisfied with the destruction. "I need to get back to my clan for a comprehensive report on this now. See you guys later." he said before walking off.

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