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307. Obliterating

306. A Fucking

305. Gang Bang

304. Android 3

303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

Getting Rid of Him

avatar on 2024-08-02 01:13:33

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Once they had finished with their fun, Brett took his gun at point blank range and blew both of their brains out. From there, Paul cut him down and let the AEP unit fall to the ground. You could see all of the cum spill out of his abused hole. It looked like he was not able to fully clean himself up from it. The effects of the mini-EMP were apparently long lasting. 11-002 was now able to venture forward. He stood over his rival and looked down at him. It was a look of contempt. "What's wrong with you? You should be able to get up. I was able to reboot myself and move easily after the EMP blast." he inquired. As a Researcher, he was on the hunt for the answers to things he did not know. The Conqueror just groaned while laying prone. "My power source is nearly depleted. Just kill me and get it over with." he said morosely. I guess we had broken his pride as a cyborg and AEP unit. "Why aren't you using the semen to fuel you? You'd be able to stand up at least." 11-002 questioned. That was news to me. I guessed that was why there was so little clean up when Brett was fucking AEP units.

Constantly fighting off the hacking attempts and trying in vain to shut off his synthetic cum valves really took it out of him. He scoffed and said "I'd rather die than use the proteins of these humans as an energy source. That would mean I'd be making them a part of me. After everything they did, they don't deserve the right to be my fuel." It was a bold and misanthropic statement from the cyborg. The fact he was lying face down in a puddle of cum while it slowly leaked out of his ass dampened the message somewhat. I looked at the other 3 in the shed with me. "What do we do with him now that he's like this? We can hack him ourselves, we can kill him, or we can make him a hostage for a bargaining chip against Electric Clan." Paul and 11-002 both voted to kill him. Brett wanted him alive as a hostage. I honestly did not care what we did. It was not going to get us any closer to the mystery of the missing major. Maude Selova was someone I really wanted to meet. Now that we had proved that the mini-EMP worked, we could ditch 11-002 and move on with exploring their region on our own.

I crouched besides him and said "Those are the breaks. I still have to vote. We can kill you or we can keep you a bit as a hostage. What would you like? You have some nice information that you might be able to share with all of your comrades. Of course that means your clan will see that you were captured and raped not only by us dirty humans, but by androids too." He turned his head. "Just kill me. A stupid toy and messing with my nanites when I was out of commission is hardly anything they can't handle." I smirked and said "Good boy." Several spears of light fell from the ceiling and punctured him all over his body. He was turned into his primordial form. He was not dead yet. When I called down sacred flames to burn the paste to ashes, he really died. 11-002 looked up at the roof. "How did you rig the flamethrowers on the roof without being detected?" he asked. I just did some jazz hands at him and said "It's my magic." He did not believe in magic, so he rolled his eyes at me. That was not my problem. I said "You should definitely tell your clan about the secret AEP back door.

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