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18. Hold up

17. heads

16. Game night

15. And yet so far

14. So close

13. Going home

12. Time's up

11. Time out

10. Brad's a great guy

9. Late Night

8. Into the lion's den

7. Intercepted

6. What to do?

5. Door - Judy

4. AF: John, Divorced Father, exp

3. AF: John, Divorced Father, exp

2. John, divorced father

1. Altered Fates

Hold up

on 2024-08-01 22:49:50

629 hits, 57 views, 3 upvotes.

Age Aware MTF Magic

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"We need to stop right now, " shouted John as he got off the couch.
Doug looked confused then answered, "You looked like you were enjoying it."
"That's not the point. My body is reacting to you in ways I don't like or understand. I'm not into guys."
"Listen, Jenny, maybe I came on a little hard there at the end, but I think we have good chemistry. You've obviously felt it. Maybe you are bi, but never had the chance to find out."
John took a second to reply, "I think I should go home..."
"OK Jenny, but let me give you my number in case you want to try this again. Here, I'll write it on your hand, " replied Doug firmly grabbing John's hand and writing a number on it. John wondered when Doug got so strong, then pulled his hand away. John went to get his shirt, grimacing when he felt the pull of his breasts when he bent over. He felt like his body was working against him again, first with getting turned on by his friend's dick then reminding him that he still wasn't in his body. He just had to go home, sleep a couple hours then he could finally go back to himself. He put the spagetti strap top as he took out his phone to call a ride.
"I'm going to wait outside, " said John going to the door
"You sure? It's like 2am. A lady like you shouldn't be alone at night."
"Listen, man, I know you think you are looking out for me, but I can handle myself, " said John as he left. He went down the stairs and went to the main door for the apartment complex where the ride was waiting. John got home 20 minutes later. After locking the door, he stripped off his outfit and went to his bathroom. While brushing his teeth, he looked at his reflection. It was the last time he'd see this face. Tomorrow, he was going to be back to himself, without these breasts jiggling or hips swaying. He sat down to pee, like he had the last couple days, and felt relief it would be the last time. Tomorrow, he would have his dick. No more sitting or talking about periods.
John got into his bed, plugged in his phone and fell asleep.

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