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303. Android 2

302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

Switching Up

avatar on 2024-08-01 22:33:34

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Very quickly, the probe android got itself inside of the AEP's ass. We watched as the android began its thrusting in and out. "Signal Pulsing confirmed. Stimulating nanite movement." it informed us. After 5 minutes of thrusting, he stopped it. "Rear panel unconfirmed." I guessed the processors allowed it to go for a bit longer. The leader told the android to go again. "Rear panel confirmed." it reported at the last moment. It was not very reassuring to me. "Finally! Connect to the AEP unit and take over it." he commanded. "Affirmative. Attempting connection." the android stated. The AEP wiggled weakly to resist it. That was not going to work. The probe android was literally an inhuman entity using spikes on its dick to remain in his ass. After a minute of pressing inside as far as it could go, it reported "Connection established. Uploading control protocols." I hoped that it worked out. Getting information from the cyborg would be really great. "Rebooting .... rebooting ... 46%." the Electric Clan cyborg groaned. The wait was over for 11-002. I got him off my back and held him still. I had to talk to him.

Having 11-002 freak out and attack everyone in the shed would be really bad. If it happened, we would not be able to get the information from the AEP unit. Inside of the data banks in every AEP unit, they had information on their clan building and transmission hub. With that, we could direct our focuses to those locations and wipe them off the map. Once I explained it to him, he got still and glared at the situation going on in front of him. He asked me what was going on. He did not have the ability to form memories while he was stunned. It made sense. I did my best to explain. 11-002 was shocked. "Impossible! We are nearly perfect beings. There is no possible way that a human could discover something we did not know!" he exclaimed. He was interrupted from his tantrum when the android stated "Uploading control protocols... 17%" To say 11-002 was intimidated was a massive understatement. He melted into gray paste and oozed to the opposite side of my barrel for cover. "Don't worry about it. We all got your back. No android Is going to even get close to your ass now." I assured him.

11-002 just nodded quietly and watched from the safety of my horse barrel. I was blocking him from all the syndicate members. "Uploading control protocols... 20%" their probe android reported. When it got to 85%, the android jerked and froze. "Fire wall detected. Critical error. Restarting upload." The humans groaned, hissed or sucked their teeth. "Whatever! Get out of him and switch with the last probe." It took the android a minute to get his dick out. "Rebooting .... rebooting ... 87%." the AEP unit said in a matter of fact tone. We were quickly running out of time. The third probe android was bury and covered in muscles. This probe android got itself inside of the AEP's ass quickly. We watched as the android began deploying its anchoring barbs. That took a minute and a half. How fucking big were they? The AEP unit groaned in agony now. Then the android did its thrusting in and out. "Signal Pulsing confirmed. Stimulating nanite movement." it informed us. After 2 minutes, he stopped. "Rear panel confirmed." This one was really not playing around. It was the best here for a reason.

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