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302. Android 1

301. Captured

300. Mini-EMPs

299. Our Target

298. Pink Drink

297. Randomness

296. Aggression

295. More AEPs

294. Sonic Clan

293. Information

292. An Escort

291. Stress Test

290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

Attempting a Hack

avatar on 2024-08-01 22:29:48

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I watched as the probe android erected his dick and pressed against the AEP unit's asshole. Normally, an unwilling AEP unit would just block the entrance with their other nanites. That way you would not be able to get inside of them. 08-001 did this to keep my son's cum inside of him long enough to process it and use it to make a memory chip. This AEP unit was still very confused. Once he was fully penetrated, the android reported "Penetration complete. Deploying anchoring barbs." That did not sound comfortable. The AEP unit winced. "That seals them in so they can't be bucked off by the 'borg. I heard it was based on the galagos." That actually meant nothing to me at the moment. "Delivering back door signal." the android called out. He then grabbed the cyborg's knees as he moved them out of the way. This allowed the android to fully hilt itself inside the AEP's ass. We watched as the probe android began to thrust in and out. "Signal Pulsing confirmed. Stimulating nanite movement." it informed us monotonously. After 3 minutes of thrusting, he stopped it. "Rear panel unconfirmed."

The pain of being fucked seemed to rouse the AEP unit enough to figure out that he was now compromised. "H-h-how dare... you t-think you can... hack in... to me!?" he demanded. He was stuttering. Clearly the mini-EMP was pretty potent even when not hitting them at point blank range. "Rebooting.... rebooting... 48%." 11-002 muttered on my back. It had taken an hour and a half from the rescue to get 06-003 rebooted and fine enough to get his systems to give us the recording of what happened. I had set of the mini-EMP only about half an hour ago. He was doing much better, as I had expected. Doing some quick math, 11-002 should be up in another 25 minutes or so. If the Electric Clan AEP was only starting the rebooting process now, it was going to take 46 minutes. "What are you doing!? Run all the signals again!?" he human snapped at the android. The Probe android did his thrusting for another 3 minutes before informing us it had failed to make the AEP unit open the back door. After failing it 2 more times, the human had enough. "Get out of him! Switch with another probe."

Seeing that this one was fatter, I wondered what the difference was with it. There had to be a reason he was so damn ugly looking. I just shook my head at it. "Rebooting .... rebooting ... 20%." the Electric Clan cyborg groaned out. It certainly sounded like he was in pain. We did not have all that much time. 11-002 was at 80%. The human was a bit flustered that the first one was a dud. "That's fine. This ugly bastard's got a ton more power from the huge processors and memory drive in his belly than the first one. You don't stand a chance!" he gloated with false bravado. We all watched as the probe android erected his dick and flipped the cyborg over. His face was down and his ass was up. The android then pressed against the AEP unit's asshole before thrusting inside. Once he was fully penetrated, the android reported "Penetration complete. Deploying anchoring barbs." The AEP unit winced again. This dick was even bigger and girthier than the first one. "Delivering back door signal." the android called out. He grabbed the cyborg's hips as he moved them out of the way for hilting.

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