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90. Giving Up for Another Night

89. Moving Forward

88. Upstairs

87. Time stands still

86. Jon is Delayed

85. 3AM

84. Change of the Social Calendar

83. Self Image

82. Stage 2

81. Jon Makes a List (Alt)

80. The Middle Child

79. Addition and Subtraction

78. Interlude

77. Test Subject

76. Lunchtime

75. When Technology and Magic Meet

74. A Night off

73. It's Time

72. The Build-Up

71. Afterwards

The Workmen: Giving Up for Another Night

on 2024-07-28 10:52:55

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Jon hurried down the stairs and found Tina backed into a corner, looking spooked.

"I want to get out of here," she said.

"What happened?"

"One of those men came at me..." she said, honestly. "It just...I thought he was going to take me." Also true. She didn't mention the secret conversation.

"You were probably just in his way," Jon said. "I mean...they act like worker bees...they just seem to do their work mindlessly."

"And someone is controlling a Queen Bee," Tina said. The someone who said they were fixing everything.

"Why do you think that?"

Tina paused. "You said bees. Bees have a Queen, right? And the Doctor said he didn't know who was running things. Queen Bee, mysterious shadowy figures, that sort of thing..."

Jon nodded. Tina seemed uncomfortable suddenly. She'd been pretty gung ho to do this, but he guessed the reality of it had sunk in...that she could become someone else. Of course, he wasn't sure if they did repeats...or might not do one if someone got in their way. But he had thought much about who might be in least, looking for a reason why someone would do what they did. And none of the ideas he came up with seemed so obvious that it seemed likely.

He thought about it again for a moment. Why Tina as Karyn? How were they picking? Still nothing. "Let's go," he sighed.

They headed out the door. "Where to now then?"

"I guess we go back to Sarah...unless we see some other black vans on the way," he said. "Let's cut over to Maple and go back that way..."

Jon had actually missed several changes in previous days as well. He couldn't be everywhere or notice every missing or added person. He'd crossed paths with two others he didn't notice were different, partially because he didn't actually know everyone, even in his school. He'd been focused on his classmates, and hadn't noticed other changes...such as in the staff and other grades. He hadn't noticed Zelda was missing, for one. And he wouldn't notice Lydia Warren was either.

"Are you sure we can do anything about all of this?" Tina asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean...other than you think we can stop this?"

Jon frowned. Something was definitely up with her.

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