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290. Finishing Up

289. A Reveal

288. In the Sand

287. Encounter

286. Blue and Red

285. Reunion

284. 12-001 Wins

283. Lockeroom

282. A Conflict

281. The Petals

280. Healthcare

279. All in Here

278. New Task

277. Initiative

276. 12-001 Sulks

275. New AEP

274. Wild West

273. Tactical Lie

272. Upgrades

271. A Big War

Ending the Event

avatar on 2024-07-27 07:47:48

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It was a lengthy conversation with Water Clan. They were all disheartened to learn that Major Saltine still did not trust them at all. They had to give all sorts of records up to satisfy her now. All the permits, budgets and health records of the mental health clinics were submitted. So were all of the receipts for their festival. I decided to get it over with and got her on the line. I also called Radiation Clan as well. Now that this was a major conference, it was simple for her to get all the documents sent her way. I could tell that she was not too pleased to be called out like this. She could not argue with the results. We gave her all she could want and more. If she had a problem with it, I was sure she would complain to them about it. Nothing about using the clan's finances would be valid unless it was hostile towards the military or government aims. It totally would be a valid complaint if something went wrong with the men under her command. She was the commanding officer for the northern quadrant. What she said in the region was what happened. I hoped they kept their noses clean. For their sake.

After concluding our business with her, the quest was completed. We got a lot of credits and a lot of reputation from both the military and the Advocate faction. The exp. I gained was also nice. It was not something any of us human Players cared about though. We were cheating to inflate our levels anyway. The Sixteenth Notes Clan were done with this mission. I did not want to lose any members to the violence. That meant it was only going to be the 3 of us: Paul, Brett and I. We got them on the buses and told them to return to the music studio. They were fine with this after a job well done. Apparently, the transmission hub here was willing to reward them for their good service. The cyborgs would be happy to get all of their rewards. From what they had told me, they would put their requests in at the safehouse in the library to redeem them. Our transmission hub was still very salty that we were independent. We did end up attacking it, so I was not too angry that it did not like us. We already unlocked everything that was open at this stage of the game anyway. We had no use for it now.

With 11-002 still waiting outside the clan building, we had our pathway into the western quadrant. After the buses left, the Researcher AEP unit came up to us. He looked confused. "Why didn't you go with your clan?" he asked. I said "We wanted to see what was going on with the war in the western quadrant. If you're offering to take us there, that's fine." He narrowed his eyes menacingly. It was clear he was not taking this well. "I said you are going to be under arrest. Give me your wrists." he ordered. I just sighed. Brett walked up to him and said "I have to talk to you about something really interesting." 11-002 blinked. "What is it?" he asked. Brett shrugged his shoulders and asked "Can you just step inside with me for a bit? I promise you that it's not an ambush or anything." 11-002 rolled his eyes and followed him inside. Paul and I were left outside waiting. 15 minutes later, they both emerged. 11-002 looked like he was steaming. Vapor was wafting off of him. I just facepalmed. Paul groaned. I could not believe they fucked in this situation. "My systems are faulty." 11-002 sighed.

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